Thursday, March 23, 2017

State Fair

Tonight was Brandt's and the fifth grade's State Fair.  For some weeks now, Brandt has been learning the states and their capitals, and preparing a report about a state of his choice.  He chose West Virginia, at my urging.  Months ago he was to select five states he was interested in learning more about, and West Virginia was his fourth or fifth choice.  It ended up being the state he did.  He worked on poster parts at school, but had to put it together at home, and we had to gather items that represented the state.  Then all the fifth graders gathered with their stuff and parents were able to walk around and see all the state posters.  The whole school gets to walk through tomorrow.

Brandt had to select five interesting facts about West Virginia.  They were:

  1. West Virginia has the world's largest sycamore tree.
  2. The first brick street was laid was in Charleston on October 23, 1870.
  3. First spa open to the public in 1756.
  4. The first glass plant in West Virginia was in Wellsburg in 1815.
  5. West Virginia has the third largest cave in the world.
Brandt had to have at least five items to represent the state.  He brought a big lump of coal because West Virginia produces 15% of the nation's coal.  He brought and ate a golden delicious apple, a variety that originated in WV.  He's got a cardinal, the state bird, a rhododendren, the state flower, a piece of green glassware because WV produces lots of glass, the state flag, a patch with the state emblem, and a map of the state.  He answered questions and seemed quite knowledgeable.  

Part of the whole unit about states has been the memorization of states and their capitals.  To aid in this, Brandt has been listening to three songs over and over and over and over and over and over again.  And then listening to them again!  I remember the 50 Nifty United States song that I learned in elementary school, and I imagine that the songs will stick with him for years to come.  They'll likely stick with me, too!  Hooray for fifth grade!

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