Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fort Construction

There has been a fair amount of construction going on around our place lately.  Two weeks ago, Brandt and Blythe built quite an elaborate fort in Blythe's room using the Barbie house, two easels, bins from their closets, and lots of blankets.  It took up all the spare space in Blythe's room, making it practically impossible to move into her bedroom more than two feet without getting down on hands and knees (or stomachs) and crawling through.  They were desperate to sleep in it, and although there was no real room inside, we agreed to let them.  They both had only a thin blanket under them and we were certain they would be miserably uncomfortable.  Both declared they had never been better situated in their entire lives.


We read stories, said prayers, and turned out the light, leaving them to it.  Brandt fell asleep.  Blythe tossed and turned (as much as was possible in the tiny space) and finally, at 9:45, crawled back into bed.  Brandt woke at 2:30, turned on the light to see where he was going, and climbed into his bed.  Kent got up and helped him get situated.

Misery all around.

The next night, they both wanted to try again.  We read, prayed, and turned off the lights again, but they both wised up and returned to bed almost immediately.  Perhaps not the best situation of their entire lives.  The fort stayed up two more days, but then Saturday came and Kent made them clean it up so we could vacuum.  Fun while it lasted.

The fort building mania has not subsided, however.  Today, Blythe had Sarah, Lilly, and Emma over, and they asked Kent if they could build a fort in the backyard.  They gathered chairs, towels, and blankets, and creatively constructed a large round structure that took up quite a large space.  They got water bottles and snacks and played and played for a long time.  Brandt, Jarom, and Sam came by and climbed in briefly while it was unoccupied, so it got good use.  I was waiting for another sleep-in request, but they must have learned their lesson and willingly cleaned up when it was  time.  If we would give them boards, hammers, and nails, I know they would build something a bit more permanent.

Blythe, Emma, David, Lilly, and Sarah

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