Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Parties

Today at school the children both had Valentine's parties.  Blythe didn't feel really good yesterday, so she stayed home from school and watch a lot of TV.  In the evening, she said to me, "Mom, what if I feel better tomorrow and Saturday, but then I don't feel well again on Sunday?"

"Well, you can go to your class party tomorrow," I replied, "and our family Valentine's party on Saturday, but then you would have to stay home from church on Sunday.  But if you still don't feel well tomorrow or Saturday, you'll have to miss both parties and just stay home and take a nap in your bedroom."  She felt fine this morning.  It's a miracle!

Two weeks ago, when the children brought home notes about the upcoming Valentine's festivities, I asked what they wanted to do about their valentine's boxes.  Brandt wanted to use the same box he has used the past two years, which made me very happy because we didn't have to create something new.  Hooray for Cupid Yoda.  Blythe wanted to make a mailbox, but as that sounded like a lot of work, we bought one that I helped her decorate.  Much easier.  For the valentines, I found several non-candy, easy to put together suggestions on Pinterest, and let the children choose that they wanted to take.  Brandt chose a gum themed valentine that said, "Valentine, I chews you."  We glue-sticked gum to the card.  Blythe chose bubbles with a card that said, "Bubble, bubble, pop pop pop! Valentine, you make my heart pop."  

The children reported that they both had great Valentine's parties.  In Brandt's class, they worked on Valentine's papers and passed out their stuff.  That's all.  But Brandt came home with lots of candy in his box, most of which he ate almost immediately, so nothing wrong with that activity.  In Blythe's class, they exchanged valentines, talked a lot, and ate candy.  Again, nothing wrong with that.  Blythe has been an active member of the Love Squad this week, and you can read about her activities in the "Funny Children" post. 

Happy Valentine's to classmates.


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