Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Play's The Thing

Saturday, after Blythe's whining and whining, she said she wanted to play with a friend Abbie.  Fortunately, Abbie was available and came to play.  Together, Blythe and Abbie dressed up and imagined a play.  They tried to enlist Brandt to participate as the bad guy, but he didn't want to play.  They next tried Kent who also refused.  So they came to me and begged and begged and begged me to be the bad guy.

Eventually I gave in and because I was going to participate, Brandt agreed to play too.  He was the guard and I was the bad guy.  We had to have a rehearsal.  The girls told us what they were doing and what we were to do, stopping us and giving direction, making us stop whatever they didn't like.  It was all fairly incomprehensible and silly, and after our rehearsal, we had to perform the whole thing, "because now you know what to do," with Kent as our audience.

Here is the play in pictures with brief description of the action.

Brandt is the guard.
At the beginning of the play, he is sleeping.

The princesses are sleeping too.
 As the bad guy, I try to sneak into the castle to kidnap the princesses.
The guard wakes and we fight. 
I flee but return when the guard returns to sleep.
I kidnap the princesses and take them to a tower (my bedroom).

Beautiful princesses in the tower.

The guard comes and fights me, trying to free the princesses.
I am able to chase him off.
(In reality, Brandt was totally into the fighting and didn't want to stop.
He is wicked fierce with that Samurai sword!) 
After I chase him off, I carry the princesses into the dungeon (the bathtub) and kill them.
The guard bursts in and kills me.
Curtain call.
As I write this, I realize that Brandt is the only one who comes out of this play alive.
It's a tragedy of epic proportions.

The above pictures were taken by me during the rehearsal.
The following pictures were taken by Kent during the actual performance.

Guard and Bad Guy fighting.

Brave and bold defense of the castle.

The princesses in the castle.

More defense.

The Bad Guy, costumed in black hat (of course) and armed with plastic bat sword.

Check out that sword play! 

The girls coming down from the tower.

Princesses "sleeping" and awaiting the kidnapping.

Guard sleeping on the job.

Bad Guy sneaking in for the kidnapping.

Princesses in the tower.

The guard trying to rescue the princesses.

Putting the princesses in the dungeon.

Fighting in the dungeon.  
The Bed Guy is fatally stabbed by the Guard,
but not before the princesses are stabbed and killed.

The curtain call.

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