Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Eternal Day

Today is the anniversary of Blythe's sealing to us three years ago.  We celebrate both of the children's sealing days as their "eternal day."  Here we are on Blythe's sealing day.  Don't we look happy?  We were.  So, so happy.  We still are.  Kent and I are so happy to have Brandt and Blythe in our home and part of our family. We are learning such wonderful things as we parent.  Our children are bright and funny and interesting little people and we really, really like them.  

Yesterday, as we were looking at the calendar, I said, "Tomorrow is Blythe's eternal day."  Blythe's eyes lit up, she began dancing around and singing, "It's my eternal day!  It's my eternal day!" then stopped and said, "What's my eternal day?"  I explained that we would celebrate the anniversary of her sealing to us.  She was delighted.  She raced into the library and returned with paper and pen and began drawing things.  When she finished she showed me the paper and said, "Mom, here are all the things I want for my eternal day.  Balloons, a cake, and presents," all of which she has drawn in some detail.  She continued, "And I want to invite people over for the party."

I explained that we weren't actually going to have a party.  Our celebration would be small, just with our immediate family, and that we weren't going to have balloons and she wasn't going to get any presents.  We could make a cake, but that was all.  She was disappointed about the balloons and presents, but said, "I get to help make the cake."  I agreed.  

Today we made cake, and Blythe helped.  It fell apart as I took it out of the pans.  I couldn't really frost it and it ended up very crumbly, but it was delicious.  That was the celebration with the exception of a wonderful talk I had with Blythe about the temple.  She asked why she couldn't go in, so we talked about being worthy and being old enough.  We talked about how happy we were on the day she was sealed to us, and how happy we will be when she turns twelve and we can go with her again.

Here we are today.
A happy family, just like this day three years ago.
A happy family with cake.

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