Sunday, December 23, 2012

Our Christmas Card

Warm Christmas Greetings from the Barrus Family!
Here is the Barrus Best from 2012

Best activities, Brandt: Graduation from kindergarten in May and the start of first grade in August.  Brandt loves school!  He is reading, doing math, and has been unofficially voted the nicest kid in class.  His Lego constructions, either whole or in pieces, seemingly cover every surface in the house.
Best activities, Blythe: Began pre-school in September.  Blythe, too, loves school.  She is learning songs, letter sounds, and wants to read.  She is a bossy boss boss (like her mother).  She also began dance in September and moves naturally and gracefully on the dance floor.  Art projects continue to be produced at a rapid rate and also cover every surface in the house, right next to the Legos.
Best activities, Katherine: Child wrangling, house projecting, Primary presidenting, blogging, picking up Legos and art supplies.
Best activities, Kent: Working (Yeah! He still has a job), house projecting, maintaining calm and peace in the house. 
Best family vacation: We went to Arches National Park in April where we hiked and hiked.  Then in November, we had a DeMartini Family vacation to Disneyland.  75% of our immediate family loved it (Kent was a good sport).  The children talk about Disneyland almost every day.  Most sentences begin, “When we go to Disneyland again…”
Best summer activity:  Swim lessons.  We began in June and finished just before school started.  We have swimmers!  We also biked, played in the yard, hiked, and ate lots and lots of snow cones.
Best book read:
                Kent: The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill
                Katherine: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
                Brandt: Star Wars anything
                Blythe: Fancy Nancy or Pinkalicious anything
Best Christmas wish: May your days be merry and bright, and may the spirit of Christ reside in your heart now and always. Merry Christmas!
 Kent, Katherine, Brandt, and Blythe    801-356-7240
new address: 2586 N 530 E Provo, UT  84604

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