Thursday, May 19, 2011


On Tuesday I made several discoveries.  Three, in fact.

While speaking on the phone in the morning, I was looking out the kitchen window towards our next door neighbors' house and made discovery number one.  Here is what I saw.

This would be this year's registration sticker for our car, stuck to the side of the house.  Our registration expires the end of April, and Tuesday was May 17th.  Brandt watched as I put the sticker on the car when it came in the mail (in April), and he apparently thought it was okay to remove.  I'm not sure why Brandt removed it (which is difficult) or why he stuck it where he did, but I'm glad I noticed it out the window and could replace it.  Following the sticker discovery, I had my first tax talk with Brandt.  And he isn't even five yet.

Discovery number two came as I was preparing stir-fry for dinner.  I brought up the five gallon bucket of rice and opened it to find Woody nestled amongst the grains.  I'm not sure how long he has been in there, but Brandt was certainly delighted by my discovery.  He said, "I wondered where Woody went."

Discovery number three was made as I downloaded pictures.  I have been having problems with the camera for some time.  There are moments when it won't take a picture.  Everything will be illuminated and look as though it is fine, but when I depress the button to take a picture, nothing will happen.  Very frustrating.  Nigh unto shriek inducing (for those of us with short fuses).

Anyway, I was having a hard time getting the camera to work when I wanted to take a picture of Woody, and Kent came home right about the time I was ready to shriek and hurl the camera across the kitchen (which I know would not have helped, but would have likely relieved some pent up frustration).  He made some small sacrifice to the camera gods (or something) and got it to work.  Almost instantly, Blythe said, quite sweetly so as to have a positive response, "Dad, I see the camera?"  He handed it to her and she then proceeded to take pictures of a bit of orange she had been eating.

So the discovery?  Blythe took eighteen--that's right, 18--pictures of this orange.  What is so fascinating about it?  And why would the camera work for her (eighteen times!) when I couldn't get it to work even once for me?

Still life with orange.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, dear Katherine! Hope you have a lovely day. You deserve one!
