Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Long Walk to Sheep

On Tuesday the weather was nice and I wanted some exercise.  We got a hot tip that baby lambs in a pasture about three miles north of us were out frolicking, so I loaded the kids into the stroller and off we went.  We stopped at Day's Market to buy some horsey carrots to entice the sheep to come see us.  Brandt wanted to stop for ice cream at Ripple's Drive-In, but they were closed.

It felt good to be out walking, the children were very good sitting next to each other, and we saw interesting things as we went along.  Upon our arrival, we found the sheep to be, well, rather sheepish.  They sat along the fence and wouldn't come near us.  We offered our carrots, but not a single sheep made a move towards us.  It wasn't a complete loss, however.  There were some horses on the opposite side of the dirt road and they gladly let us feed them carrots.  Brandt was very brave; Blythe was not.  No pictures of her feeding horses because she wouldn't do it.  There was also a tractor which was a great draw.  Ripple's was open on the way home, so we stopped and shared an Oreo milkshake.

 As is evident, the sheep wanted nothing to do with us and kept their distance.
Their great distance.

Making an offering that was unceremoniously rejected. 
Brandt had better luck with the donkey.

And with the horse.

This boy loves a tractor--any tractor.
He wants one of his own.
When I ask where we would keep it, he always answers, 
"In the front yard."

1 comment:

  1. I love how much entertainment we can get out of an old tractor, and great pictures too.
