Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunnies, Yard Cleanup, and an Egg Hunt

On Saturday morning we gathered with the Brinkerhoffs at Grandma and Grandpa Barrus' house for some yard cleanup and an egg hunt.  Before we left, I pulled out the candy and plastic eggs to fill for an early afternoon egg hunt.  To my surprise, I found that Brandt and Blythe were both very keen to help fill eggs.  Look how keen!

Here they are, next to me on the counter.

 Rather than struggle against two determined children, we set up an assembly line at the kitchen table and I had the children help me fill eggs.  I told them they were being Easter bunnies.  Most of the candy went into the eggs and only a little bit into the bunnies mouths.


We took our eggs to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and did quite a bit of cleaning in the yard.  We cut back dead vines, turned over soil, raked, mowed, edged, sawed, and even chopped out grape plants that were no longer producing.  Everyone worked, everyone played, and after a delicious lunch, some of everyone looked for eggs.  Charlie played the Easter Bunny and hid while Brandt, Blythe, Lydia, Jace, and Tess hunted.  We had a marvelous time.

Grandma and Tess preparing lunch inside while others worked outside.

Our most excellent tree trimmer.

Jace and Brandt are up in the Red Pearl (pirate ship extraordinaire).  They are dodging balls thrown by
Lydia in the Rainbow Boat.

Charlie mowed and trimmed.
Doesn't he look cool. 

My rather darling egg hunters.

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