Thursday, May 23, 2024

Costa Rica, Day 1

After much anticipation we left this morning for Costa Rica. Kent had been less excited to go, but the rest of us certainly were excited. I have felt ill prepared, but was somewhat reassured last week when David came into the bank and we were able to talk. He answered many questions and made helpful suggestions. The fact that I didn't have every day planned seemed okay after he left. 

Everyone was helpful when it came to preparing. Brandt and Izzy ran around for me, Kent did a couple of things around the house and mowed the lawn, and we all packed last night.  I woke this morning and packed snacks for everyone to take on the plane, so many snacks, in fact, that Kent commented we could share with everyone flying with us. 

Izzy and I took Moo Moo over to my mom's house this morning. I hoped she, Moo Moo, would be happy staying with my mom so she would not be alone. We took her bed and her food dishes, her walking gear including lots of poop sacks, and told her how much we loved her. But she was beside herself when we left. She stood at the front door, peering out, her little face framed in the side window. Izzy and I were fairly gutted. 

We had no seat assignments for our first flight to Dallas. At the gate, I asked the gate worker of her could get us tickets near each other, but if not, with at least two seats next to each other. Izzy was insistent that we sit together. The gate worker was very kind and put us two and two. It was an uneventful flight, and we arrived in Dallas. 

My mother had called while we were in the air and I called her back. She reported she had left the house for forty minutes and when she returned, Moo Moo was howling and barking. She was beside herself. Mom gathered up all Moo Moo’s stuff and took her home. She was obviously not going to be okay at Mom's house. Mom said she would sleep at our house so the dog didn't feel alone, but that seemed a bit much. Mikayla and her people agreed to be responsible for Moo while we were away, and we hope that will work better. 

Our flight from Dallas to San Jose was completely full and I discovered none of us were sitting together. We had four middle seats in rows 9, 12, 13, and 21. I asked the gate worker if there was any chance of getting two seats together and he very nearly laughed at me. It was not going to happen. Izzy was distraught such that she threatened to not get on the plane or not stay on the plane if we couldn't sit together. I told her we might be able to switch seats with some kind person and she need not worry so much. 

Turns out, I was right. Izzy and I sat in rows 12 and 13, and an older woman sitting next to me was kind enough to swap places with Izzy. Brandt and Kent sat alone, but they were fine. 

Our plane arrived in Costa Rica just after 10:00pm. By the time we got off the plane and went through customs, and meet the rental car company driver, it was close to 11:00. It took about half an hour to get the car sorted. I was warned that in Costa Rica, they charge you for mandatory insurance when you arrive, insurance that is not part of what you have paid for your reservation. Dave warned me and said I should use a guy he knows, but then he didn't get me the guy's number, I had already paid for supplemental insurance, and I figured I could decline. 

Nope. We had to pay. Both Brandt and Izzy thought the guy was super sketchy and were somewhat freaked out, but he was fine. I told them I knew about it, the guy was fine, and we were going to be okay. Brandt sent a text saying, “I said a prayer.” I am grateful for his belief and turning to God, but we really were fine. 

At 11:30, we began the hour and a half drive to the place we are staying which is south of Jaco in a place called Estrillos Oeste. While there was little traffic, it was a challenge to make our way to the house where we are staying. The roads are dark and narrow, we were trying not to go over the speed limit and as a result, other drivers were somewhat irritated with us, and we were following the instructions of an app because the instructions we received from Dave were a bit vague. We didn't get to our destination until 1:30am. 

We were met by Javi who takes care of all house things. He gave us a key, the wifi password, and said he'd contact us in the morning. Well, later morning. We all fell into bed saying we would worry about all the things that might need attention tomorrow.

Moo Moo on the way to my mom's house.
She might as well have stayed home.

We're leaving on a jet plane . . .


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