Monday, May 20, 2024

Brandt Graduates! THS Class of 2025

It's official! Brandt has graduated from high school. YAY!!!! 

Brandt needed to be at UVU at 5:00, and knowing that we would be late by the time everything was completed, we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse before graduation. We saw Chris and Corene Jensen and all their kids there, also getting dinner before Grant graduated. 

We were delighted to have Grandma Sue, Blake, Sharae, and Makenna join me and Kent. Izzy came for dinner but then went home. Graduation was much like every graduation we've ever attended--several talks by students, including our neighbor Will Weidner. There was singing, an orchestra number, and then the reading of the graduates. I was impressed that Timpview worked through this pretty quickly. They had the graduates file in from both sides of the stage so it went faster than normal. Sadly, the man who was reading names read Brandt's names as "Brandy Barnes." I was so mad! It's not like he couldn't read Brandt's handwriting, which is atrocious, because the name was printed. He just wasn't paying attention. So dumb! 

We are certainly pleased that Brandt is done with high school and hope he will go on to do good things.

"Brandy Barnes"

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