Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day

It's a federal holiday, so I am delighted to report that I had a paid day off and took full advantage of it! We all did. It was a true day of fun-fun-fun.

We had our annual breakfast up the canyon at South Fork Park. I chose to bike up the canyon, preparing our fruit in advance. I haven't been up South Fork all year, and I like to do that climb at least once a year. It was a fairly miserable ride. I had a fierce headwind from the mouth of the canyon to Vivian Park, and then a steady four-mile climb to the gate at the top. I was slow and felt sluggish, was passed several times on the way up, and thought about stopping at South Fork Park and not going all the way. It was only 9:10am when I got to South Fork Park, however, and no one else was coming until 9:30am, so rather than sit around doing nothing for twenty minutes, I sat on my bike and just kept peddling. There were two men at the gate as I came slowly (4 MPH) up the hill, and one of them said, "You're faster than I was." I replied, "There is nothing fast about this pace." I made it just at 9:30am.

I made it to the gate!

I came up this road which doesn't look so steep from this angle,
but on my bike headed up, it felt like climbing the Alps.
I'm fat and slow.

I was excited for the blissful, superfast downhill, reward for biking to the top. I began tearing down the hill, but while going 35 MPH (much faster than the up), hit a pothole and got a flat. I panicked, sure I was going to crash and really, really, really hurt myself. I managed to brake smoothly and come to a stop, crash-free but frustrated that my down was interrupted. I changed my tire and was grateful that all six bikers who passed me asked if I needed help and had everything I needed. The remaining down was taken a bit more conservatively so my eyes didn't water and I could see where I was going.

Breakfast was delicious! Pancakes, eggs, fruit, donuts, and bacon and sausage. We talked, played Ultimate Frisbee with another family in the park, chased kids, and entertained small people. It was a beautiful morning and a delight to be together sharing a meal in nature. Everything tastes better eaten outdoors and at altitude. I don't know why, but it does.

Here is the one only picture I took while at breakfast.
Blythe is scared of Christopher and Tysen's dog Maverik, 
and carried around this enormous stick to hit him with he got too close.

And here is a picture Mikayla took, one of three.
Mom and I in our matching shirts.
It was a blue-striped sort of day.

I had wonderful small helpers working closely with me to make scrambled eggs.
How lucky am I?

We needed to get Brandt home so he could go to the movie with Paul Moreland, and brought Cora home with us. She wanted to come to our house to play. She did some Lego in the basement, then came up and wanted to do a play a game and do a puzzle. We did two puzzles and played All Around Town, then went to Grandma Sue's house for a swim. It felt so good to be in the water. I took one picture at the pool.

Having a 'nuggle with Thea

We had Kent bring over hotdogs for dinner and then ate together before going home and getting ready for Fugitive (separate post). Brandt had just come from a party at a friend George's house, meaning his whole day, from beginning to end, was party, party, party! Aside for a short resting of the eyes as we lay on the couch, it was party, party, party for pretty much everyone.

Here's to a Labor Day devoid of actual labor.

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