Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

I wanted to make this a fun Valentine's day. Yesterday, in the afternoon, we had a DeMartini family party, with treats, games, and cookie decorating. It was terrific, except we didn't have a substantial enough lunch, so I overdosed on the treats, eating popcorn and candies and chocolate covered pretzels until I was on a sugar buzz. I thought Mikayla was making cookies to decorate, and she thought I was making cookies to decorate, so I went to buy sugar cookies which weren't brilliant. Next year we'll communicate better. 

We played some games. Brandt participated with the kids in using a straw to move candy hearts from out of a bowl onto the table. He was pretty good at this. I gave people a box of conversation hearts and had them create a poem. They were all very silly. Brandt ate some of his before I got his. Mine said:

Bae, You & Me, Real Love

Hug Me, Yaaas

Luv You, Bae

Sweet, Peace, Dream



I had some Valentine trivia people tried to answer, and we played a Valentine's version of Finish the Phrase where we all wrote down the ending of a phrase, and whoever had the most similar answers won. We also did a photobooth. Silly pictures without our girl who didn't come because she wanted to hang out with Lily Lusvardi instead. It was fun to be with those we love for the holiday that celebrates love in all its various incarnations. Well, maybe not all, but some.

Mikayla said, "Mom, come take a picture with us!"
She picked out those two arrows, then approached the wall, looking at who was going to stand on which side of her.
Mikayla and I had to switch places.

This  morning, I got up and made Christmas breakfast rolls. I made a recipe that makes a tremendous amount of dough, so had enough to make five rolls. I formed them into heart shapes, but when they baked, they rose out of shape. Oh well. They were delicious and we all snarfed ours down, then started in on an extra. I do love cinnamon rolls, and so as that we don't eat too many, I almost never make them. Valentine's Day was a worthy cinnamon roll cause. But no pictures. We consumed it all too quickly. I also got cute cookies from our neighbor, Justine Banks, and gave Kent and the kids a cookie and card. 

After church, we delivered cinnamon rolls to Grandma Dawn and Papa Scott, Sandralee Jensen, and Craig and Julie Robison. Kent and I drove down to Springville to take a treat and visit briefly with Kathy Dutson through the window of the rehab center she is in. 

Kent was very sweet and bought flowers for me and Blythe--roses for me, tulips for Blythe. They were a lovely treat! It all made for a very nice day. Here's to love, love, love!

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