Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy Birthday Young Man!


Our boy Brandt is fourteen today. I'm floored when I think of how old he's getting, and I'm squished when he sits on me, which he still does regularly, because he is getting so big. I just can't get over it. Brandt continues to be a delight to have around. He's easy going, he's kind, he wants to be good, he's compliant, he chooses the right, is helpful, and funny. So, so funny. He makes me laugh all the time. He's smart and witty and forgives quickly. He does sometimes shriek like a baboon, but not often, and he's getting better about not doing it. He likes to be with people, to ride my bike really fast, to swim, to play video games, and watch TV. He likes to participate with us in family activities, preferring to be with me and Kent rather than be left home. While he's not super pro-active about doing stuff around the house, he'll pitch in and help when asked, unless the request is to clean his room. He has that teenage boy smell that isn't entirely pleasant, and we still have to encourage him to take a shower everyday, but he's still darling. We luff him madly.

I'm grateful that it is Brandt that has his birthday two days after the 4th of July. I am always so focused on the holiday, that I tend to not give myself enough time to prepare for his birthday. With Blythe, I could never get away with that. But Brandt is easy going, and I'm grateful. Yesterday I asked what he wanted to do to celebrate, and he decided swimming with friends would be fun. I asked Elizabeth Cutler if we could use her pool, which she agreed to, so we didn't even have to transport people across town. 

As I was working, Kent took care of the party. He and Brandt went to Day's and got junk for snacks. They met at Elizabeth's house at 3:00 and swam until 5:00. I had made a cake, but Brandt called at 4:45 as I was just getting home and said we didn't need to bring it over; they had had enough stuff. They swam as Kent looked on, then all went home. Brandt wanted ribs for dinner, which I made, so dinner was taken care of. We ate cake as a family, and Brandt felt fine with it all. The gifts I ordered didn't arrive on time, but he'll get them tomorrow, and I imagine he'll be fine with that too. 

Happy birthday to our best boy!

No party pictures because Kent was in charge. As a post script, Brandt's gifts came in the mail on the 7th. He opened the box before I could wrap anything, and when I apologized for being a lame-o working mom, he said he didn't care they weren't wrapped. I tell you what--I'm never trading in this kid. He's a keeper!!

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