Monday, June 5, 2017

Camp Big Springs--Off to Fifth Grade Camp

Brandt left today for fifth grade camp.  It's all week long.  We don't pick him up until Friday at noon.  We can't believe our boy is big enough to be off to a week-long camp all alone.  How can that be?  As we gathered his gear and helped him pack, I encouraged him to change his clothes, to go to the bathroom regularly, to wash his hands, and to definitely change his socks and underwear.  "Please," I begged, "don't return home having worn only one pair of socks."  We worry about how he'll sleep, if he'll have a good time, and if people will be nice.  We've sent him into the world without someone who loves him.  When we dropped him off, we got all his gear on the truck, we found his name tag, and we checked in his allergy pills.  There wasn't anything else for me to do, so he said I could go.  I said alright and gave him a little hug.  Then I had to dash away because I started to cry.  I cried halfway home!  Our sweet boy is growing up and soon he'll be going on a mission and then I'll really cry!  We'll pray for him to have a good week.

A carload of stuff to keep him warm, bug free, and relatively clean.

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