Thursday, November 26, 2015


My life is good.  When I look around at others I know and consider the life circumstances of those around the world, I am astounded at how blessed and fortunate I am.  The list of things I am thankful for could go on and on, and each night as I pray, I thank Heavenly Father for many of those rich blessings I enjoy.

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving with the DeMartinis.  ALL the DeMartinis, less Missy who had to work.  We gathered at our house, 25 of us with Richard Ledford joining us too.  This was the first time ever that we have celebrated Thanksgiving with just my immediate family as we are usually at Aunt Georgianne and Uncle Lauren's house with cousins.  Georgianne had her gall bladder removed on Tuesday and couldn't host, and as they have cats and Christopher and Bryan are both highly allergic to cats, it has been years since they have been with us.  It was a treat to have everyone here, but a very loud treat.  Of the 26 of us, 16 were children, 14 of whom were 9 and under.  There was much wild running around the house, lots of shrieking (from girls and boys), and general pandemonium.  It was, however, glorious to be together.  Brandt and Blythe love their cousins and are always happy to have them here.  We played games, talked and laughed, and even watched a bit of football on our TV, which Christopher wanted to verify we had before agreeing to come to our house.  And while Richard was here and we were still all together, we took a picture.  Of all my blessings, my family is the bestest one.  I did want to take a picture of my three people, the dearest ones of all, but Blythe wouldn't cooperate and I was tired of fighting with her.  Ergo, one large family picture, and no picture of Kent, Brandt, and Blythe.

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