Saturday, October 26, 2013

Funny Children

Two very amusing examples of how our very funny Blythe thinks.  First, several nights ago, Kent was putting Blythe to bed.  They had read stories and were settling down when Blythe said, "Dad, I want some milk."
Pointing to the water bottle next to her bed, Kent replied, "Have some water."
"I don't feel like water," she said.  "I really want some milk."
"I really don't want to go downstairs and get some milk," Kent said.  "Have some water."
There was a pause of about 45 seconds when neither of them said anything.  Then Blythe said, "Dad, what do you want for Christmas?"
Kent said, "A hug and a kiss and a picture you've drawn with maybe a little story underneath."
Three second pause then, "If you get me some milk, I'll get you that for Christmas."
Unable to resist this devious thinking from her little (big) mind, Kent got up and got Blythe some milk.

Example two.  Yesterday at dinner we were talking about our super cute neighbor Hailey Atkinson (age 21ish).  Kent saw her holding hands with a super cute guy on their way to the BYU football game.  Her mom, Mary, expressed how pleased she was that Hailey was going with this guy as she hasn't had a lot of dating experience.  Our only explanation for this is that Hailey is missing the lower part of her left arm.  While in the womb, the umbilical cord got wrapped around her arm and it never developed.  I said to Kent, "I am surprised she hasn't dated more.  She is beautiful and has such a delightful personality."
Blythe immediately said, "Just like me!"
Indeed, just like her.

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