October 20
The school library had a pumpkin activity. You could decorate a pumpkin like a character from a book and bring it in to display in the library. You couldn't cut your pumpkin or poke anything into it, but you could paint or glue things on. They library didn't want pumpkins disintegrating while on display. Blythe chose to do Rapunzel. She painted all green eyes with two pen prick irises, a large smiling pink mouth, and then put her Rapunzel costume hair on. It took all of about five minutes.
Brandt chose to make a Yoda pumpkin. We had to paint his pumpkin twice in order to get good coverage, then tipped it on its side and had the stem as one year. We glued on a second ear (made of green construction paper) and then hot glue gunned some stuffing to the top for Yoda's wispy-ish hair. I must say, they both looked pretty silly. Brandt's, however, was well liked by many of the boys who passed through the library during the week it was on display. It began to disintegrate a bit and left sort of a yellowish stain on the counter top. Unfortunately, the only picture I got of the completed pumpkins was taken on Halloween night in the dark. You can't really see them very well. The kids sure had a fun time making them.
October 21
The activity day girls made dinner in a pumpkin and Rice Krispie Treet candy corns which they brought to me as a thank you for being the Primary president. They do this every year (thanks Ramona!). I made it for dinner, along with crunchies and salad. The children both tasted a tiny bite of the rice/meat mixture and gave it a thumbs down. Kent and I ate it. It was certainly thoughtful and festive. The Rice Krispies were enjoyed by one and all.
October 26
All the DeMartinis gathered today for a Halloween party. The children wore their costumes, we played games, had treats, and then all ate dinner. It was marvelous good fun, the weather was amazing for the end of October (60 degrees), and as always, we loved being together. It is such a tremendous blessing to live close to each other and to have all the DeMartini cousins living nearby.
Here are all the kids, no one missing.
Standing: Witchy Blythe and Makenna, skeletal Crew, Jedi Brandt, and Officer Blake
Sitting: Ariel Ava, shadow Blake holding Lion Brick, cupcake Lyla, skeletal Griffin, sharky Donovan and cowboy Collin.
Aren't they wonderful!
And here are my two.
I think they are wonderful.
Mikayla took this picture of the girls jumping.
I love it.
The first game we played was darts, throwing at this cute pumpkin.
Each balloon had a Tootsie Roll inside.
The kids super loved throwing darts and were pretty good at it.
We next pushed pumpkins across the front yard with brooms.
Then, donuts on a string.
Blythe wasn't happy about doing this.
She just wanted to eat it.
I really like this one.
And finally, we decorated sugar cookies.
Not a single cookie made it home.
October 30
In keeping with tradition, this year the Primary had a Halloween Party. Under my direction (I'm still the Primary president) we set up lots of booths and prepared ourselves for the onslaught of lots of little kids in costumes. We had pumpkin bowling, darts (like at the family party), donuts on a string, homemade rootbeer, a cupcake walk, bug toss, a craft, treasure dig, and other things. Everyone came in costume, and nearly every family attended. I think only three families didn't come (and one of them is inactive). Brandt and Blythe loved being in their costumes and running around with neighbors. They both came away with lots of candy and little toys and were pleased with the overall result. As the one in charge, I was pleased too.
General fun
October 31
Halloween was on a Thursday this year, and Tuesday and Thursday mornings I go to aqua aerobics with Heidi and Maureen. Our instructor, Michelle, is just darling, she totally gets into class, and so we decided that we would "dress up" as much as possible when getting into the pool. These are the regulars. All you can't really tell, I have snakes in my hair and heavy green eye makeup (Medusa). Maureen is in the witch hat and Heidi is an Indian (Native American) with face paint and a feather. There are also several pink tank tops because October is breast cancer awareness month, and we have been wearing pink. I'm grateful to be in the water and in the back of this picture. I'm never looking my best at 6am wearing my swimsuit.

The children went off to school be-costumed, and I followed shortly thereafter to help with Blythe's class party. I was in charge of relay races outside. Fortunately, the weather continued to be glorious and it was fine to be outside. I had the kids "ride" brooms, push pumpkins, toss bugs, and mummy wrap each other. I think they liked it. In addition, they made monster cupcakes, necklaces, and read stories. I returned home with Blythe for only a short time before we turned around and headed back for the costume parade. Grandma Dawn, Papa Scott, McKenna and Grayson joined me to watch the parading, and we cheered as Brandt and Blythe both came by. Brandt had a class party too, but I didn't help with that. I did sneak into his class to get a picture.
Blythe was willing to pose for pictures before she went off to school. Brandt wasn't. So here is Blythe in her witch costume, and Brandt as a Jedi will be later on.
Broomstick riding
Making her necklace and
playing bingo.
It's a picture of me in my Medusa costume.
A really silly picture and a
marginally less silly picture.
Back row: Josie, Kina, Hyrum, Amanda, Parker, Thomas, Kassi, Sade, Hailey, Lauren, Matthew, Sam, Jack (in mask so he's unrecognizable), Sierra, and Daniel.
Mrs. Bigelow and Mrs. Moffat standing really behind.
Front kneeling: Blythe, Hudson, Danny, Sofia, MiaBella, Kaden
Monster cupcakes waiting to be decorated
Playing in the leaves at recess
Blythe's monster cupcake
Parading by
Here is Brandt.
He is without his lightsaber because you can't bring weapons to school.
Even fake, not real in real life weapons.
Vampire Matthew in front, and the Joker (I think) Bridger behind
Brandt's class
Back row: Connor (unrecognizable), Josh, Kayla, Avlee, Anna, Halle, Emma, Marissa, Monica, Abram
Middle row: Kylie, Bridger, Brandt, Dallin, Mikayla, Britton, Matthew
Front row: Luca, Katrina, Ashlin, Bekah, London, Spencer, Paola
And being silly below, with the inclusion of Mrs. Kussee
After school I made an effort to have the children eat something reasonably healthy before we went out trick-or-treating. Our across the street neighbors always offer hotdogs and nachos on Halloween, so around 5:30 we began our door to door. Blythe made it all of nine houses before she declared that she was finished for the night. That's right, nine houses. We never got out of sight of our own house. Brandt made it a cul-de-sac further, adding another eight houses before he, too, was finished. We returned home before it was super cold, the children ate candy and handed it out to people coming to our door, and while I was astounded they didn't want to venture any further, I was pleased that we didn't have gobs and gobs of candy they would want to eat over the next two days. It was a fun and festive (as always) holiday, and I'll be happy to undecorate tomorrow.
Heading out together to go trick-or-treating.
Blythe's makeup is a bit worse for wear, but she didn't want me to touch up, so I didn't.
The sum total of Blythe's candy haul.
She was supposed to do a homework sorting project with it, and that took all of three minutes.
Brandt's pumpkin.
Blythe's pumpkin
The picture won't turn the right way.
Yoda and Rapunzel who returned from school.
The front porch.
It looks spookily inviting, I think.