Saturday, July 13, 2013

Breakfast in the Canyon

This morning, the DeMartinis all gathered together for breakfast up the canyon.  This is one of the nicest things I think we do as a family during the summer.  We almost always go to South Fork as we did today, and we enjoyed a lovely breeze, playing in the water, and a delicious breakfast.  We did forget all sorts of things we needed, so although we met at 9:30, we didn't actually eat until 11:00am.  The kids were all pleased to be together and played and played, and the adults played cards, but by the time we had food ready and something to eat it off of, we were all pretty hungry.  We had pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, fruit, and milk and juice.  Somehow, food always tastes better when eaten in the mountains.

Waiting for plates to arrive so we can begin cooking pancakes.

Everyone was hungry.
This picture makes it look like Donovan is staving off starvation with a diet Mountain Dew.
I hope that is not what was actually happening.

So much cool stuff on the ground--rocks, sticks and dirt.  
What little boy could resist so much goodness all in one place?

Donovan spent probably ten minutes throwing rock in the river.

Lyla is sometimes mean to Donovan. 
She gets him.
When I carried her over to the same spot where Donovan was,
he took several steps away from her and kept his eye on her so she wouldn't touch him.
She wasn't nearly as interested in throwing rocks in the river.

All twelve of Grandma Sue's grandchildren were together today.
I took thirteen pictures of these twelve kids trying to get one where everyone was looking at me.
This was the best I got.
They are such funny little people.
I really like them.

Blythe wanted to hold Brick.
As soon as I handed him to her, Lyla came right over and wanted to be by them.
But Blythe wanted a picture with just the two of them. 

The girls: Lyla, Blythe, Ava, and Makenna
In order, smallest to biggest, as Makenna pointed out.

Lyla wanted a turn to hold Brick.  
I don't think he liked it very well, but she sure did.

Apparently little girls can't resist rocks either.  
Blythe saw some pink colored rocks in the river and began collecting.
She probably brought home 26 rocks of varying size but almost all pinkish hued.
"For my rock collection," she said.

Blythe is saying, "Mom! Don't take a picture!"
then "Stop!"
then "Erase it right now!"
I ignored her.

Kila sitting in the water the pooled under the spigot.
She was dirty!

Cutie Brick chillin' while Mikayla played cards and Guy ran around with the boys.
He's so chill.
I love being able to kiss those cheeks.

Brandt and Kent lay on the grass under a tree 
and Kent told Brandt a story.
I love seeing them together.
And I love that they both have their arms crossed behind their heads. 
I joined Kent under the tree too.

Brandt needed to take a break from all the fun.
I think he's watching Star Wars.

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