Monday, January 21, 2013

FHE and Faith

Tonight, as Kent and I were cleaning the kitchen before family home evening, the children were in the living room dancing to the electric piano playing what they think sounds like circus music.  It does.  I sort of consider that particular piece of music (I don't know the name, it is just a demo song programmed into the piano) our family theme music because it frequently feels like a zoo around here.  The music was loud and fairly raucous, and the children were certainly both.  I turned to Kent and said, "The current mood being created in the living room isn't really conducive to a calm family home evening.  What are we going to do?"

"Let's cut right to the chase.  No opening song, no business, let's just get right to the story you're going to read," he suggested.  I was going to read a story from the Friend, so when we finished up in the kitchen, we went into the living room, put the cushions back on the couch and cleared a space for us, and then I started reading.  Blythe was all over and sort of chattering away, still, and Brandt was sitting on the couch upside down, but I read.

The story was about President Monson.  When he was young, during the Depression, he worked really hard and saved his money and earned five dollars.  He traded his dad the coins he had for a five dollar bill.  Unfortunately, he forgot about it in his pocket when his pants were sent off to be washed with the rest of the dirty clothes.  Desperate not to lose his money, he prayed that Heavenly Father would see that the money came back in his pocket.  Sure enough, the money was there when the clothing was returned and he felt that God had truly answered his prayer.

Kent bore his testimony that when we turn to God and ask for his help with something, he will answer us.  Brandt said, "I am sick." (This is true.  He hasn't felt well all day.  He had a play date scheduled with a neighbor down the street and didn't go because he felt crummy.)  Continuing he said, "Dad, will you give me a blessing and ask Heavenly Father to help me feel better.  I know that will help."

Tears sprang to my eyes.  Our lad has a testimony that Heavenly Father knows him and loves him and will bless him.  He has faith!  He believes God will help him feel better.  I am so grateful that he is learning and embracing the gospel.  Kent gave him a sweet blessing, and I am grateful for Kent's worthiness to hold and exercise the priesthood to bless our home.  Although I didn't think it would be such a great family home evening, it turned out to be beautiful.

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