Sunday, October 2, 2011


At the beginning of September, Blythe began going to a little neighborhood pre-school.  In conjunction with four other moms in the ward, we are meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays for two hours of educational learning and play, with an emphasis on the play.  In addition to Blythe, the girls are Ellie, Suzie, Anne, and Rebeca.  They are darling girls, they play nicely together, and they participate in activities.  We are taking turns having the girls at our homes, so I will do pre-school every fifth week.  This gives me a few hours a week without children, and one week in five with the five little girls.  We are sort of focusing on the letters of the alphabet, but with a related theme.

Pre-school was at our house two weeks ago.  We were on C week and our themes were colors and cookies.  We sang and danced, played musical instruments, read stories, and did artwork.  For colors we made Froot Loop and marshmallow rainbows, and for cookies we made cookies, snicker doodles which I had the girls help me make.  I think I was successful in entertaining the troops, although I think they would be happy to just play together for two hours.  Our next week is H week, just before Halloween.

Our rainbow colored snack. 

Rebeca, who asks every few minutes if her mother is coming to get her.
Anne, who hardly speaks at all, ever, when she is at our house.  She is very shy.
The girls are playing a sorting game with M&Ms and gumballs. 
Suzie, who talks all the time and is absolutely self-confident.  She is also the oldest of the group.
Ellie, who is also quiet, but not like Anne.  Blythe loves Ellie; they like to play together.
And Blythe who was sort of froggy having so many friends over at her house at the same time.

Dancing to Laurie Berkner songs.

Here are the girls making the Froot Loop rainbows.  Anne tentatively asked me if she could eat one.  It old her she could eat as many as she wanted.  Suzie actually lined Froot Loops up in a rainbow shape, but she was also the only one who ate a Froot Loop she has dipped in glue.  Oops!  Rebeca glued about six Froot Loops on and then, when I set out some marshmallows, she started eating those.  And then she kept eating them.  And eating them.  And eating them.  So her mom didn't get mad at me, I put them away.

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