Sunday, October 2, 2011

Funny Children

This evening, after Conference and a walk around the block, I sat out on the grass while the children played in the road.  I know that sounds bad, but our street is quiet, especially on a Sunday evening.  They were both dressed up, Blythe as a princess and Brandt as a knight, and they were both putting on a show with the speed bump as a stage.  They were speaking to the audience in a fairy wand microphone, singing, telling stories, and performing rather dramatically, going on and off the stage depending on whose turn it was.  I wanted a picture, but I didn't want to disturb the magic of their play.  They were getting along so well, letting their imaginations feed off each other.  They are funny and interesting little people.

And while we were out, our around the corner neighbor walked by with a grandchild.  She told me that several weeks ago, she came around the corner and found Blythe in a t-shirt and nothing else.  She asked Blythe where I was and was told I was inside.  The neighbor suggested she go in and find me, so Blythe went in.  She went right back out and the neighbor offered to help find me.  She knocked on the door and rang the bell, but I didn't appear.  She took Blythe inside and suggested she (and her naked bum) wait there, out of the road and the view of anyone and everyone.  I'm unsure where I was, although my guess is that I was in the bathroom, taking care of business.  The children frequently make mischief while I am "engaged."  I'm glad my neighbor brought her in.  Does that make me look like a really bad mom, or just a bad one?

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing it makes you look like a Mom who also happens to be human, thus the need to "take care of business". I'm continually amazed by what my kids can do if a VERY short amount of time.
