Saturday, June 27, 2020

Red Ledges

I wanted to go and do something today, out of our house, non-work related, and fun. Eugene and Sharae and their people had gone up Spanish Fork Canyon to a place called Red Ledges and posted on Facebook about their outing. It looked interesting, was close by, and not something we've done before, so we went. Blythe chose not to join us, which is too bad, but I'm past the point of trying to convince an uncooperative person to come have a good time. So just Brandt, Kent, and I went. 

I had been under the impression that we would do some hiking in the area, but it turns out, there aren't any real trails up and away from the parking lot. There is a very steep climb up to a point where you can rappel, but it's not much of a trail, and there isn't a destination. We scrambled up a ways, then scrambled back down. Our "hike" was something of a bust. 

We drove further up the canyon and stopped to soak our feet in the stream. It was beautiful and nice to be out and about. We got onion rings and ice cream cones on the way home, as today is National Onion Day. What better way to celebrate the onion than by eating onion rings?

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