Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Break "Go For the Chocolate!"

We've had "spring break" this week.  In the midst of a pandemic break from school, when the children are home every day, how is "spring break" any different from the rest of the weeks we've been having?  The only difference is that the children haven't had any school assignments to complete. Otherwise, the week has looked pretty much the same as the past several weeks.

In an effort to help our neighborhood feel a bit more unified and entertained, Kimberly Roy and Hailey Helquist put together a list of fun activities we could do during the week, and made it into a competition.  "Go For the Chocolate!" was a game where each activity was given a point value, and then, as you did the activity, you accumulated points. The family with the most points would get chocolate cake from Magleby's. There was clarification that each person who participated would get points, so if three of you in the family wrote a note to someone, worth five points, then you would get fifteen points.  Brandt and Blythe both thought it would be great to participate and try to win because both of them really like Magleby's chocolate cake. 

So here is some pictorial evidence of our spring break, Go For the Chocolate! activity.

Take a photo of an Oregon license plate.
We drove around a bit, looking in parking lots.
Found one in the third lot we drove through.
Five points, but three of us looking, so fifteen.

Ride the cougar at the stadium.
Ten points, four of us riding, forty points total.

Take a picture of the first flowers blooming in your neighborhood.
Five points

Dye Easter eggs
Blythe had asked for dye when I went to the store last week.
Two children participated, fifteen points each, thirty points total. 

Wash a car
Ten points, we did both cars, three people working, sixty points! 

Brandt said, "Mom! Watch this!" then used his bum to dry the car.
But he didn't want photo documentation of that.
Too bad!


Chalk the Block--Draw a message to neighbors
This is a comic Blythe drew all about Covid-19.
The format isn't right here, 
but I couldn't get the pictures small enough to all be next to each other on one line.
Read across each row to get the full effect.
10 points, two participants, 20 points total.

Do a Kind Deed to a Neighbor
This was worth 10 points.
We all participated in one or another, and here is one example.
We put together an egg hunt for Johnsen cousins.
Brandt and Blythe were thrilled to fill then hide eggs for their cousins to find.
We were very sneaky!

When I initially added up points, we were only at 330. It didn't seem like very many points, certainly not enough for the win, but we had a good time.  The Blads were declared the official winners.  Fortunately for us, Andrea is my ministering sister and she offered us some cake they were willing to share. We gladly said YES! When she brought over cake, I asked how many points they had and she told me they had won with 1490. Wow! That seemed like a lot. I asked if they had done everything on the list and she said they just added up each person who participated in whatever they did. So lots of board games, lots of walks, everyone getting counted.  The kids demanded that we recount all our activities, with each of us getting points, because they were convinced I didn't do it right. 

So I recounted. 

We had 2830 points. Or maybe 3430, depending on how you add things up. One of the activities was to take 1 roll of toilet paper to any neighbor. I purchased a package of Costco TP for Janie when I went shopping. There are 30 rolls of toilet paper in each package. That would be 600 points. Seems like too much for one Costco run, but without those points, we were still at 2830.  I, alone, had 150 points for "interview a neighbor" because I talked to lots of people during the week.  I cleaned out kitchen drawers (8 total at 5 points each was 40 points), Brandt and I played lots of board games (90 points), we listened to all five sessions of conference (4 of us, 20 points each, 80 points), we read scriptures every day (60 points). The children were incensed we didn't get the cake, but I "pointed" out that we did get the cake! We came out winners because the Blads shared with us.

The points page with our "scores" in pencil.

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