Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Filling/Killing Time

We have been incredibly slow at work.  Like so slow, there has been no work.  We've all been sitting around, hoping something will happen, but largely being disappointed.  As a supervisor, the clerks look to me to give them a job, and I have just looked back and them and shrugged my shoulders.  I've been being paid $19 an hour to do nothing.  So, in order to fill/kill time, I've been catching up on my blogging.  I've been emailing myself text for posts, and then copy/pasting when I am home.  We downgraded our internet because the cost was so high, but it makes adding pictures to posts ridiculously slow.  Mikayla downloaded a bunch of pictures from her house, so I really just needed to add words to those pictures.  In the past two days, I've been able to complete text for 30 posts.  And today, I did it with the help of a bit of caffeine.  I never drink caffeinated beverages, mostly because I don't really like them.  But today, someone brought in several cases of soda, including Coke, and as I was struggling to stay awake while sitting at my desk, I caved and had one.  I still don't really like it, but it sure did perk me up. 

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