Today was Blythe's Medieval Feast, the culminating event for their Medieval unit. Blythe has been learning about knights and lords and ladies, the feudal system, castle construction, coats of arms, and the code of chivalry. Blythe had to build a catapult which we made out of large popsicle sticks and rubber bands. The class had a competition to see which catapult could shoot a marshmallow the furthest, but apparently Blythe chose not to participate, so we have no idea how well our construction worked. She also had to do a large project, and using her most excellent writing talents, she chose to write a story set in Medieval times. While I would love to include that here in our family history, Blythe has sadly chosen not to share it with me.
The feast was really fun. Blythe made a coat of arms that was her placemat at the long banquet table. She got to sit by friends--Addie, Lilly, Mia, Kate, Hailey, and Maggie--and talk all she wanted. The kings and queens were the first to get their food, but then the other tables were called. She got to pick whatever she wanted to eat and drink, and then they all ate and ate. The queens and kings got to pick people to perform for them. Their queen, Katelyn, chose Blythe to perform, even though she had told her not to. Blythe sang the ABCs to entertain. When they were done, they went back to the classroom and watched a movie about a girl who wanted to be a knight. We had borrowed a Medieval costume from the Coveys for Blythe to wear, but she didn't actually wear it at the feast because she didn't want to spill anything on it. As I could not help out at the actual feast, I asked Maggie Davidson's mom to take some pictures. I hope it is a day she'll remember as being lots of fun.

The coat of arms
Blythe wouldn't tell me what any of these things meant.
Our Medieval beauty
Blythe with her catapult that she didn't actually use
Girls on the left: Michelle, Meghan, Mia, Lilly
Girls on the right: Blythe, Addie, Maggie, Kate, Hailey
Although Blythe said she didn't want me to post this story to the blog, I want it for posterity, so I'm including it here. Please don't read it.
Medieval Story
Chapter 1
A Favor
Lady Celestria walked to her window seat at the top of the castle and watched the young lords mock joust in the courtyard below. They lunged, ducked, and moved with smooth agility. Celestria smiled and stood. She walked to the door, holding up her red and gold velvet dress and opened it. A servant nodded to her, holding a basket of laundry as Celestria made her way down the twisty stairs.
“Lady!! Lady Celestria!!” called a voice as Celestria neared the doors to the courtyard. She turned, letting her hand drop from the brass doorknob.
“Hello, Duke Asher. May I do something for you??” asked Celestria cocking her head slightly, her honey hair falling in front of her piercing ocean eyes.
“Oh no Lady Celestria!! Not at all!! Princess Isabel requests you in the garden at six sharp.”
“Thank you, Duke Asher,” said Celestria and he nodded at her before leaving. Then Celestria opened the door and walked out into the courtyard. She strode over to the young lords just as they were finishing. One lord pushed sweaty brown hair out of his green eyes and smiled at Celestria as she approached.
“Hello Lady Celestria,” he said bowing.
“Hello Lord Destrian,” she said curtsying. They looked at each other seriously, until Destrian laughed. The pair cracked up. Then Celestria shook her hair back and regained her composure.
“Lords and Ladies should not laugh,” she said but she was smiling. Destrian laughed again.
“Ok. I’ll put that on my code of chivalry.”
“What?? Lords and Ladies should not laugh??” asked Celestria.
“No. that you’re no fun!!” Said Destrian and grabbed Celestrian’s gold-embroidered fan and dashed off. Celestria shrieked and dashed after him, holding her skirts up.
“Give that back Lord Dustyian!!” she screamed using his old nickname. Celestria and Destrian had been friends since Celestria and Destrian could walk and talk. They often crept through secret places in the castle and stole pastries when the cooks weren’t looking. But as they grew up their parents, well-known Lords, and Ladies, expected better behavior. Finally, Destrian ran into a hall bale and the fan flew out of his hand.
“Careful!!” Cried a man and caught the fan in his hands. Lord Hugo. He walked over to Lady Celestria and handed the fan to her grinning.
“Keep track of that Lady Celestria,” he said and bowed.
“Thank you, Lord Hugo,” said Celestria and curtsied.
“I do hope Lord Destrian finds some manners soon,” she said shooting a look in his direction.
“I agree.” said Lord Hugo. “and as much as I would like to talk with you, Lady Celestria, I must go. It’s five fifty-five and I have a meeting with my father at six.”
Celestria gasped. “Oh no!! I have a meeting with Princess Isabel!! Goodday, Lords.” and then Celestria ran. She weaved through servants, Dukes, and Earls, making her way to the garden. As she approached she slowed down, pushed her hair back and straightened. She walked in with grace and saw Princess Isabel, waiting by the fountain. She was softly petting a bird on its head with two fingers but the bird flew away when Celestria neared.
“Excuse me, your highness,” she said and curtsied.
“Hello, Lady Celestria. Thank you for coming. Will you have a seat??” the princess asked and both the young ladies sat down on a circular bench, going around a big oak.
“I have a favor to ask of you,” said Princess Isabel said wringing her hand together. “My father, King Amir has arranged a competition for my hand in marriage. He has picked two young lords to take part in it. Lord Hugo and Lord Destrian. I understand that you and Lord Destrain are friends??” she asked.
“Yes, your highness,” said Celestria.
“Very well. My favor is that somehow you make Lord Destrain lose.”
“What?? Excuse me your highness, but did I hear you right??” asked Celestria not believing what she heard.
“Yes. Lord Hugo can get out of marriage, but Lord Destrian can not. I’ve already found love so I plan to run away with him after Lord Hugo gets out the trial and because you will make Lord Destrian lose, he will not be a problem!!” Isabel looked at Celestria, with pleading eyes.
“Do this for me. Please.” She took Celestria’s hand and held them in front of her. “If you will not do this as my friend, I will command you as your Princess.”
“You need not command me, your highness,” said Celestria and smiled.
“Thank you, Lady Celestria,” said Princess Isabel. “You are truly a true friend.”
Chapter 2
A Plan
“So then you accidentally lose your balance and fall right as Hugo is about to strike!!” Celestria looked at Destrain eagerly.
“Cele, you’ve gone crazy,” he said staring at her in disbelief and Celstria laughed.
“Just trust me.” she had told Destrain everything and was now filling him in on her plan.
“Ok!! But if I don’t get into Duke Ulric’s jousting class, I'm going to be really mad.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” Celestria said standing up. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.” then she glided away to a waiting messenger.
Destrian shook his. Cele had gone crazy.
“Dukes and Duchesses, Lords and Ladies welcome to the 6th annual jousting tournament!! And this year we have a special announcement. This year whoever wins shall have Princess Isabel’s hand in marriage!!!” Yelled a man in green silk. “As always, anybody may participate, but you only get one chance!! First contestants, take your place!!”
Destrian and Hugo took their places and waited for the signal. The man in the green put his hand up and threw a small rock. It landed in the center of the arena and the two fighters charged. Destrian took a deep breath and fell off the horse.
The crowd all went “ohh '' and Celestria, as this was part of the act, rushed to Destrian’s side. Destrian grunted and got up, leaning on Celestria. Then they made their way to the exit.
“And Lord Hugo takes first place!!” yelled the man in green and the crowd cheered. After several rounds, Hugo was still at the top.
“And the winner of the contest is….Lord Hugo!!!!!” the crowd went wild. “And as winner,” the man in green handed something to Hugo. “you win Princess Isabel’s hand!!” Hugo strolled proudly over to Isabel and knelt down handing her a gold ring. The crowd roared and made Celestria’s ears ring.
“Ha!! Your plan worked!!” said Destrian smiling at Celestria.
“I made it up. Of course it worked.” she teased and Destrian laughed.
“Of course it did.” he said lifting Celestria up and twirling her around.
“Lord Dustyian!!” she cried, but she was laughing.
The End