Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Lists

We have so much to be thankful for.  Our blessings abound and I am continually amazed at all that God has blessed us with.  We gathered for dinner at our house with the Barruses this afternoon, with Lee, Cammie, and Aaron, David, Sharon, Josh, Jonathan, and Micah, the four of us, Richard Ledford, and Leland Stout.  We ate delicious food, had lively conversation, and all went away sated and happy.

At family home evening this week, we all wrote down things that we were thankful for, and I wanted to include those lists.  Kent asked us to come up with at least 20 things we were thankful for.  The spirit of the activity really gripped the children because both of them came up with way more than 20.  Here are the lists of all the things written down, though we know, of course, there are many more.

Blythe's list: (I love her spelling)

  1. The plan of salvashin
  2. a hows
  3. a tv
  4. cusens
  5. woter
  6. the fetum of amaraka (freedom of America)
  7. matem lother king (Martin Luther King)
  8. mom
  9. dad
  10. Brandt
  11. me
  12. gopel
  13. Jeses
  14. tolet
  15. tolet paper
  16. Lilly
  17. emma
  18. ellen
  19. maggie
  20. calen
  21. sara
  22. lite
  23. ether (the guy in the Book of Mormon)
  24. party of stone supe (soup)
  25. merakels
  26. clooks
  27. fish plat
  28. thaksgiving
  29. valetins
  30. betheday
  31. fon (phone)
  32. books
  33. tepel (temple)
  34. cherch
  35. pukins (pumpkins)
  36. feet
  37. motins (we are free do to whatever we want to)
  38. lodrey (laundry)
  39. corea (Cora)
  40. killa
  41. heven
Brandt's list: (I love his spelling too!)
  1. Star Wars
  2. tron
  3. food
  4. water
  5. toilets
  6. trees
  7. air
  8. Jesus
  9. holy gost
  10. books
  11. school
  12. math
  13. tv
  14. friends
  15. mom
  16. dad
  17. batman
  18. superman
  19. antman
  20. Legos
  21. light
  22. electricity
  23. sun 
  24. bed
  25. moon
  26. home
  27. church
  28. cars
  29. toots
  30. clooks
  31. blythe
  32. temple
  33. dogs
  34. cats
  35. sunday
  36. monday
  37. tuesday
  38. wandas
  39. tp
  40. thursday
  41. friday
  42. bday
  43. starday
  44. schris
Kent's list:
  1. Katherine
  2. Brandt + Blythe 
  3. Family members
  4. Food
  5. Home
  6. Work
  7. Books--scriptures
  8. Hot water
  9. Good neighbors + Friends
  10. Cars that work + Scooter
  11. Healthy body
  12. Dentist to fix teeth
  13. Fixing skills
  14. Leaders of Church
  15. Movies
  16. School Teachers
  17. Indoor Plumbing
  18. Music
  19. Time
  20. Tools
  21. Clocks
Katherine's list:
  1. Kent
  2. Brandt + Blythe
  3. Extended Family--siblings, neices & nephews, parents
  4. House
  5. Gospel
  6. Friends
  7. Temple
  8. Holy Ghost
  9. Food
  10. Kent's job
  11. School
  12. Slippers
  13. Healthy Body
  14. Opportunities to serve
  15. Yard
  16. Bike
  17. Jesus
  18. Ice Cream
  19. Sharp Mind
  20. Mountains
  21. Art
  22. Music
  23. Books
  24. Family activities
And while we're speaking of all this gratitude, Brandt had is picture taken in school in front of the "I AM THANKFUL FOR . . . " sign with his sign that read: "Star Wars and Batman and video games and books and freinds."  All great things to be thankful for.  Blythe's class was not posted, so I don't know what she was thankful for at school.  Turns out she didn't get to do this activity, so that's why there's no picture.

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