Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Stone Soup

Blythe's class has read the book Stone Soup and then been doing some fun activities related to the story.  She wrote her own version of the story, they watched a movie of the book, and today they had a class party and made stone soup themselves.  Blythe was so excited to bring something to contribute (I signed up for a chopped onion), and to have me come and help out in her classroom.  It's only two days before Thanksgiving, so it was also sort of a quasi Thanksgiving party.  They made the soup right after class started, so by the time parents arrived to help (about 10:30), the room smelled really good.  The soup was delicious and the kids all seemed to have a good time sharing and eating their creation.  They also got to share five things they were thankful for, and I was delighted to hear Blythe share that she was thankful for the gospel, "Because I'm a Mormon," she said.  Warmed my heart that she is grateful for the gospel, and pleased me even more that she wasn't ashamed to say she loved it.

Hey waiter! There's a stone in my soup!

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