Friday, May 9, 2014

Extravagant Extravaganza

This evening was the Rock Canyon Extravaganza!  Woo hoo!  This is the annual PTA fund raiser and the kids look forward to it every year.  Last year we just missed it as we were returning from Europe, so the kids were super excited to go.  We’ve had rain and the forecast called for more rain, and it seemed likely that the activities would have to be held indoors.  When I picked Blythe up for school at 11:45, I was chatting with another mom and said, “It needs to just pour rain right now, get it all over with, and then clear up for the Extravaganza.”  About half an hour later, my wish was realized—it rained, it cleared up, and we were able to be outside.  It did rain for about three minutes during the middle of party time, but everyone dashed inside and it was warm enough that the rain evaporated and we could carry on.

The kids love to ride the small train and do the bounce houses, and they love to do the rocket launch.  This year, when asked where we would be willing to help for our hour of volunteering, I chose to work at the rocket launching station.  Brandt was ecstatic and immediately upon arrival went into “in charge” mode.  He gave instructions, he demonstrated, he was charming to everyone. 

The youth of our stake were helping out during the Extravaganza as a service project.  They all wore cute t-shirts and did a flash mob dance to “Happy.”  Blythe was recruited by McKenna Roy, her buddy reader, to dance with her, but as soon as the music started, Blythe dashed over to me and wouldn’t have anything to do with dancing.  I’m not sure what that was all about, but there she was, not dancing. 

Brandt did not come around and do any of the carnival games that were set up in classrooms, but Blythe and I did.  First stop?  Face painting, of course.  She never wants to miss that.  We tried her luck at the cake walk, but came away empty handed.  Oh well.  We still had a great time, as always, at the Extravaganza.

On the ever popular train ride.
The rear wheel was flat, causing me to feel like I was Large Marge
(apologies to any Marges who might read this blog)
weighing down the back car.
Isn't it nice that McKenzie Drake was looking at the camera even though my children weren't.
Even her child Quentin wasn't.

This one is better.
Everyone looking.

In a bounce house,
and climbing up the mega slide. 

Blythe and McKenna Roy, buddy reader.

Waiting for music to start.
As soon as it did, Blythe took off.

Working the rocket launching booth.
Kent and I made rockets,
Blythe checked off tickets,
and Brandt helped get rockets ready to launch. 

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