Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dance is Over

Dance came to an end today.  The last day of class was on Wednesday, and her final performance was this afternoon.  All year Blythe has complained that she didn’t like dance, she didn’t want to go, and she was never taking dance again, ever, ever.  I didn’t really understand it because she loved it last year.  On Wednesday, when we went to class, I got an idea of why she hasn’t liked it.  Miss Debi, her teacher, hardly plays any music.  There was free dance time as the girls were all arriving,  and there was a very brief time at the end when they took turns dancing in small groups, but for about one minute, and there was music during the goodbye train, but otherwise, Miss Debi didn’t play anything.  They did all sorts of exercises, dancing in different ways across the gym—skipping, galloping, butterfly dancing—but never to music.  I didn’t think it was very interesting either. 

The lack of music even extended to Blythe’s performance piece.  It was called, “I Like Myself” but there was no music.  Miss Debi narrated their movements, but not to music.  How strange is that?  Super strange.  How can you have a dance class without music?  Impossible?  Yes.  Unappealing?  Yes, especially to my five year old.  That said, however, Blythe did dance beautifully.  She moved well, she was entertaining, and we loved watching her.  Grandma Sue, Auntie Lala, and Uncle Guy came to watch too.  I will try to get her to agree to dancing again in the fall because she is so graceful when she moves and I think it’s really good for her, but I’m not sure if I’ll be successful, and I am sure I’ll know why.

As usual, the pictures I took of Blythe at dance are almost all blurry.  Unsurprisingly, she moves around alot!  So while they aren't wonderful, they do capture the experience.




Her eyes look weird, but you can see that she's in motion--her feet are off the ground.

Preparing for exciting movement!

I love this striking pose even if she is blurry.

She's peeking out at me!


This is Blythe's class following their performance.  
I don't know the names of any of the girls except Mika who is standing behind Blythe in the pink dress.
Miss Debi and her daughter in the back.

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