Saturday, March 15, 2014

We Plant a Garden

Today, after many days of incessant asking from the children, we planted a large part of the garden.  Last year Kent and I worked really hard to create a garden spot on the south side of the house, right along the driveway.  It is an area that gets full sun all day and will perfect.  We did have some disagreement about how big to make it and in the end I ceded to Kent's wishes, but there is room to expand, and depending on how well it does and how much "fun" it is, we may grow the growing garden.

At any rate, we got seeds last Saturday, but then it turned cold and there isn't enough time after school to launch into a big project like gardening, so it hasn't happened.  But today, all morning, the children reminded me that we needed to plant.  I kept delaying because we had people over playing--cousins Crew and Griffin, and neighbors Lilly and Emma--and I didn't really want to try to manage six little people and garden planting.  But everyone stayed and everyone wanted to participate, so we made it work.

We put in the cool weather crops (can what a small garden will produce be called "crops"?); two varieties of peas (sugar snap and ones to shell), carrots, radishes, beets, mixed lettuce, spinach and basil.  I had excellent assistance from everyone and feel confident that we will enjoy the fruits of our labors.  Eventually.  It was fun to see how excited the children were to get the seeds in the ground, and I know it will be even more fun when stuff starts growing.  I am going to put "work in the garden" on the kids job charts, and that may prove less fun, but they both like to be in the dirt so I'll start working on the sales pitch now.

That's Emma next to Blythe

It wasn't all planting.
There was some serious light saber battling going on too. 


Giving instruction on how to plant lettuce seeds. 

Me, Brandt, Lilly, Blythe, Griffin

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