Thursday, March 20, 2014


Last week, for the umpteenth time, one or both of the kids asked me for something they wanted that I didn't really want to buy them for no good reason.  They have both been earning small rewards for doing various things, but I was feeling overwhelmed a bit by the want.  On top of that, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that I have to do around the house and feeling like I don't get enough help.  And then, on top of that, a new neighbor boy, Jarom, who just moved across the street last month said to me, "My mom isn't like you.  My mom gives me jobs."  I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but when I sought clarification, I learned that Brandt had told Jarom that he never has jobs he has to do, unlike Jarom who always has stuff he has to do before he can play.  For clarification (and justification) I do want to say that I do ask the children to do things for me, but there hasn't been an official sort of "job chart" or anything.

After all this, Kent and I chatted and determined that we needed to make changes.  On Monday, we implemented them.  I have come up with a list of things I expect the children to help with during the week.  They are things like set and clear the table, make their beds, do their homework/reading, pick up their things, empty the dishwasher, take out the trash, help with laundry.  All of them are reasonable and doable for their ages.  In return, we are going to begin giving them an allowance, a dollar a week for each year they are old ($7 for Brandt; $5 for Blythe).  At family home evening we discussed what we expected from them and what they, in turn, could expect from us.  We talked about tithing and saving, and began in earnest.

This week has been AMAZING!  The kids have been super helpful, they have made their beds without being asked, they have coming quickly and willingly to set the table, and I have felt like some of the burden has been lifted.  At family home evening Blythe was initially fairly put out that she and Brandt were going to be forced to do everything while Kent and I would do nothing, but we reminded her of all the things we do, and she settled down.  It has really been great.

Today I had six or seven loads of laundry that needed to be folded.  Normally I just let the clean stuff pile up and then fold it all myself in the evening, after the children have gone to bed, while I watch something on TV.  But truthfully, that is precious time I don't really like filling with laundry.  So after the after-school snack and an episode of Phineas and Ferb, I brought all the laundry out and dumped it in the middle of the family room floor.  I told the kids we were going to work together on the clothes; we would sort everything, then they would each fold their clothes, they would help with towels, and we would play matching with the socks.  They were a bit silly throughout, but they both stuck with it, sorting and folding.  It all went quickly and everything even got put away.  I was so pleased to have the help, and I think they were pleased to be helpful.  They can do stuff, and I think it's about time they did.

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