Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dimanche a Lyon

It was a very nice Sabbath today in Lyon.  Even though they are in France, Jean-Marc and Agnes live close enough to walk to church, "Just like you in Provo," Agnes said.  The children were very nervous about going to church in France and in French, but I assured them that I would go to Primary with them and help them understand what was going on.  It is intimidating to be somewhere where you know no one and you understand nothing.  I think Agnes really wanted me to go to Relief Society with her, to lead the music and participate in the lesson she was teaching, but the need was greater with Brandt and Blythe.

The building where church is held looks nothing like a church.  It is on the second floor of a building in a row of buildings and apart from a small sign on the side of the building, you would never know you were there.  The kids thought that was funny because even in Spain there was a chapel that looked like a church.  We went to Primary first and both Brandt and Blythe clung to me.  But we sang and prayed and had a fun sharing time where we all sat on the floor and played a game.  Both the children participated and as I translated, they answered questions.  I tried to play the piano during singing time with limited success.  I really wanted to be able to play something well, but it had been weeks since I was at the piano, and for me, it makes a huge difference.

Our lesson time was good.  The class ended up being rather large, ten children, and the teacher was a bit flustered with all of us there.  There were probably five visitors and I think she was surprised.  She excused herself for a moment and returned with Agnes who assured her things were fine--I would help.  The teacher apparently went into Relief Society requesting another sister come to class, but Agnes pointed out that I was an adult, I spoke French, and I was the Primary president in my ward in Provo and that we have 80 children, so I was perfectly well equipped to help.  The teacher settled down and we had a nice lesson about Lehi taking his family into the wilderness.  I translated for the kids again, they answered questions, and I thought the whole thing went well.

Today was the first Sunday of the month, so it was fast and testimony meeting in sacrament meeting.  I didn't bother to translate for anyone, I just tried to keep the children amused so they would be quiet, and I figured Kent was a big boy and could mentally distract himself.  Agnes asked if I wanted to go up and bear my testimony with her, and I agreed.  I had been thinking I would.  It has been over twenty years since I bore my testimony in French, but apart from a couple words I probably completely made up and the grammatical faults, I think it went pretty well.  I did have an American missionary ask me how I had kept up my French so well, but I wasn't sure how to answer him.  I don't really know.

Kent had a great missionary experience today.  There are Chinese speaking elders in Lyon (there has been a large Chinese population since my days as a missionary), and they are teaching a young woman scheduled for baptism next week.  They asked Kent to join them, so he was able to participate in the discussion and share his testimony.  It was fun for him to be able to add to the discussion and feel involved in his mission language.

We had a delicious meal when we got home, and then a wonderful visit from two friends who I know from my mission days, Samia (on the right in the picture below) who was a member of the young single adult group, and my favorite companion, Sandrine Bertola (on the left).  Samia heard from Agnes that I was going to be in Lyon and she wanted to come see me, and I emailed Sandrine that I was coming and it just so happened that she was going to be in Lyon the Sunday we were there and came by for a visit.  I love Sandrine.  We had such a great time together in Yverdon, we have kept in contact, and I was delighted to see her.  She lives in Grenoble and had her three children with her, and it was fun to meet them and to introduce her to my kids.  She came to Utah when Kent and I were dating, so she had met him, but obviously not the kids.  It was wonderful to be with her again; she hasn't changed a bit.

All in all, it was a beautiful Sabbath.  I was pleased with the children's behavior, happy to be able to take the sacrament, and to feel again a bit of the missionary spirit.  Things seem to be going well in Lyon, and that is always a good thing to see.

Sandrine, Katherine, Samia

I think I look pretty in this picture.

Here we are again with the addition of Agnes.

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