Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Yard Sale, A Beach, A Park

To start off today, I just took some pictures of the view towards the Mediterranean from our apartment balcony.  We are such a short walk to the beach, and today was sunny and lovely.

Pigeon on the wall.  

One cool dude hanging out on the patio.

Can you see the sea?

The sea again.
On the right is an X sign.  That is where we come out of the resort.
Can you see the short walk to the beach?

Twice a week in Benalmadena, there is a market.  On Fridays, the market sells fruits and vegetables and vendors set up booths with new clothing and goods.  We went last week and stocked up on crunchies.  On Wednesdays, there is a used goods market where people can come and bring their stuff to sell.  It's like a giant community yard sale, bringing everyone who wants to sell something together in one spot so shoppers don't have to drive all over town to different locations.  It is much larger than the fresh fruit/new good market, in fact, it was all a bit overwhelming.  We didn't go looking for anything in particular, but the children wanted to buy something--anything--before we left.  They wandered around checking out stuff.  Everything Blythe wanted was too large to actually take home with us in a suitcase, and I know she felt frustrated.  In the end, however, they both were able to make a small purchase, and Kent and I, fortunately, were able to come away without seeing anything we couldn't live without.

So much stuff everywhere, and in my opinion,
almost none of it was worth anything.
My friend Heidi would have found all the good stuff.

Blythe with a faux Barbie she promptly named "Rockstar" 
and Brandt with a collectible metal Air Italia airplane.

After our market shopping expedition, we went down to the beach.  It was sunny and warm.  May first is a holiday in Spain, so there were more people than we had seen previously. We made sand castles, buried our legs in the sand, and collects shells (lots and lots of shells).  It was fun to be on the beach again.  We don't seem to grow tired of being there. 

This is a building across the street from the resort where we stayed.  
I should be able to say what it is, but I can't remember.
There are lovely fountains surrounding it too.

Ooh look!  
A topless sunbather!

After our time at the beach and some lunch, we decided to walk over the park that we wandered around in on Sunday.  We sort of figured it would be quiet, after all, it was a Wednesday afternoon and how many people would actually be around?  Well, we forgot about the holiday, and it turns out that lots of people were around, picnicking, playing, enjoying the sun and their day off.  Where Sunday our kids had been essentially the only children playing, there were now what seemed like hundreds of children.  But we were happy to participate in the holiday spirit, especially as the day was so nice.  We wandered around, watched people and animals, and enjoyed being with the Spaniards as they enjoyed being out and about.

Blythe and Brandt climbing across a net bridge between two pieces of play equipment.

Brandt commandeered the camera and began taking lots of pictures.
He wanted us to make all sorts of silly faces.

"Make a funny face."

"Make a scared face."

"Make an angry face."

"Make a boring face."

"Make a sad face."

Then Blythe wanted a turn (of course), and we got a bunch more silly shots.

Just me making a silly face.

The lofty piece of stuff they were climbing on.
Blythe was initially scared to come down the slide,
but then she did it once, bounced out and shrieked,
"Mom! It was AWESOME!"
and ran right back up.

Spaniards enjoying the sun.

This seems like something of an abrupt end. I have no notes for this day, I am playing catch-up months after we were here, so I have nothing else to say.  It was a nice day. 

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