Saturday, December 3, 2011


Thanksgiving came and went last week, and while I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude, I was also feeling a tremendous sadness.  I really miss my dad.  I find myself crying at odd moments as I remember him.  Twice last week I woke up from a dream about him crying real tears.  And Christmas is coming and I can hardly think about celebrating without my Santa.

I am so grateful for all the good things in my life, and I need to do a better job of remembering those and expressing thanks to God and to people who bless me in so many ways.  In that vein, here is a list of the goodnesses with which I have been blessed.

Kent, husband extraordinaire, who loves me, serves me, and keeps me in line.
Brandt, number one son, who makes me laugh, snuggles with me, and reminds me to kind.
Blythe, number one daughter, who also makes me laugh and cry, and who is teaching me patience and a
  greater reliance on the Lord for direction because I don't always know what to do with her.
Extended family; our parents, our siblings, and their children.  I am so happy to be near most of family members
  and to have our children know and enjoy being with their cousins.
Our new house.  Although it has been so much work getting it put together and we still haven't moved in
   (resulting in little blogging of late), I am happy to be a home owner.
A healthy body.  Although not perfect, I'm grateful for my body.  I have energy to do all I want to do.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Especially during challenging moments, I am grateful to know that God knows me
   and loves me and has a plan for me.  I'm glad to know that we lived before we came to Earth, and that we
   live on after this life.
Tasty food.  Enough said.
Opportunities to serve.
And slippers on chilly evenings when my toes are cold.

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