Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Phone Camera

A month ago the camera was dropped.  The lens was out, it got tweaked, and after several attempts to fix it, Kent yesterday declared it an x-camera.  Dang.  Sort of.  I haven't really been in love with this camera, but I only got it at my birthday (May), and I didn't really feel like I could say to Kent, "I don't want this camera anymore."

I have discovered, however, that a camera I don't like is better than no camera at all.  Kent suggested I use my phone camera, but I didn't really think it would take a decent photo.  Turns out I was wrong.  The images aren't terrible, but I find that not all the pictures I take are actually getting to the album, which I only discovered how to access last week.  (I'm pathetic.)  It's sort of hit and miss.

Not only did I not think the phone would take a decent picture, I had a very hard time figuring out how to get to the camera.  I was going to menu, then to tools, then to album, then to camera, then taking the picture.  Complicated.  The other day Brandt said to me, "Mom, I want to take a picture with your phone."

"It is very difficult to get to the camera on the phone," I replied, to which Brandt said, "No, it's not," then turned, pointed the phone at me, and took my picture.  Turns out there is a little button on the side of the phone that is the "take a picture" button, only I didn't know it.  My five year old son did though.  This five year old son, in a panda bear hat.

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