Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bobbin' Robin

Saturday dawned cloudy buy not too chilly, so I suggested a walk to the Creamery to pick up some milk.  Kent was in agreement and we managed to drag the children out of the house.  Blythe rode her trike (which we can also push), but Brandt came on foot, bearing his tool box.  Don't leave home without it.  You never know when you may need a plastic screwdriver.

On her trike, Blythe made good time, pedaling away in the front.  I had to nearly jog to keep up.  This irritated Brandt; he likes to be in front.  After too much whining and several hails of, "Mom! Wait for us!" I let Kent and Brandt walk in front and I slowed Blythe down.

After getting our milk, we walked to the play equipment and let the kids climb and slide.  Blythe saw several robins bobbing around the grass and tried to catch them.  She chased and when that proved ineffective, she took to trying to cajole them out of the tree and down to her.  She kept calling, "Here, birdie, birdie, birdie."  She even showed them the green feather she found, perhaps trying to convince them she was a friend to birds.  No luck.  They stayed well away.

Brandt was a trooper coming home, but ran out of steam 50 yards from the entrance to the complex.  He lay down on his toolbox, telling me, "I need a rest."  Blythe had ridden the whole way home, so I let Brandt hop on the trike and I pushed him the last bit.  He had been willing to trade Blythe his pink feather (her favorite color) for her green one (his favorite color), so she was willing to share her trike.  It was certainly pleasant family time.




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