Thursday, June 24, 2010


I Spy a silver key,
a turtle under a tree,
and a bright yellow three.
I made this image extra large so you might actually have a chance of seeing the turtle.
Yes, there is a turtle, a real true live turtle, in this picture.

About a month ago, while on his way home, Kent saw a turtle crossing the road.  It was moving pretty quickly for a turtle, but still, Kent was certain it was not going to make it all the way.  So he stopped and rescued it.  Kent called it Benny and we let it go free-range in the backyard.  He has been burying himself in the underbrush and eating the veg Kent has put out for him.  
Benny, the free-range turtle

Eventually, however, it is going to get cold and Benny will need additional attention, attention I do not feel equipped to provide as I am barely giving adequate attention to the children sometimes.  There was also the added fear factor experienced by the children who were oh so interested in the turtle until he poked his head and legs out and began to move around.  Blythe wanted to touch Benny and hold Benny and be Benny's friend but would shriek every time he made the slightest movement.  So we took him to the animal shelter.  We were assured that someone will take an interest in Benny and he will go to a good, turtle loving home. Benny was not happy to be in the plastic bin on the way to the shelter, climbed out and ended up stuck in the car door.  
Benny, peeking out of the door
I was going to take Benny to the shelter yesterday and couldn't find him.  I searched under every shrub, three times, with no luck.  Brandt suggested that perhaps Jack and Simon Tanner, our neighbors, had snuck over and kidnapped him.  So I called their mom Heidi, but she assured me they were not turtle snatchers.  Kent was able to find Benny, buried, with only a little bit of its shell visible.  If, like me, you haven't been able to spy the "turtle under a tree," I'll tell you he is between the blue rubber band and the pink pig. 

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