Thursday, January 18, 2024

Celebrating Kent

Kent turned 67 today. Does that sound old? It might be old. But Kent is fit and busy and not really old at all. He worked today but went to lunch with Lee and Aaron. As a family and in the company of my mom, we had a celebratory dinner at La Dolce Vita. Brandt told our waitress that we were doing to Italy this year and would be eating "real" Italian food when we got there. (We aren't going to Italy this year and the food we had at La Dolce Vita was "real.") My mom made Kent a blueberry pie which was delicious and into which we stuck seven candles (67 would have been too many) and over which we sang "Happy Birthday." 

And as it would take a long time to come up with 67 reasons we love Kent and then record them, here are seven from each of us.

  1. Kent thinks about other people before he thinks of himself.
  2. Kent works hard.
  3. Kent is smart and continues to learn new things.
  4. Kent is kind to those on the margins.
  5. Kent is a great Primary teacher.
  6. Kent exemplifies the first two commandments: he loves God and he loves his neighbor.
  7. Kent always cleans the kitchen.
  1. He is very patient.
  2. He is always ready to help.
  3. He is selfless.
  4. He wants the best for us.
  5. He can fix anything.
  6. He likes to learn.
  7. He gives people the benefit of the doubt.
  1. He does service for other people; he's very selfless.
  2. He adopted me.
  3. He tries his hardest to cook food.
  4. He's a hard worker and has taught me to work hard.
  5. He teaches me things.
  6. He's very laidback and chill.
  7. Kind to everyone.

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