Friday, December 11, 2020

Parcel Delivery

 I have been working really hard the last month. I'm good at parcel delivery, so my supervisor, Rob, gives me big routes with lots of parcels. I deliver as quickly as I can, and if I've still got time, will usually help a regular driver by taking 20-30 stops off them. The car is being driven daily far more than ever before, but we are both holding up under the strain. I'm feeling my age. When I went in for a driving test, the UPS supervisor who was with me expressed concern about my age and if I would have the stamina and strength to deliver 200+ packages a day, and climb in and out of a big truck at least that many times a day, too. I was also worried about it, and we agreed that being a PVD (personal vehicle driver) would be a better option. I can say, I am certainly glad I made that choice. I think I would have lasted about three days (maybe) had I tried to do the big truck gig. 

Here's an example of the number of parcels I deliver daily. I've been working a route in Alpine, delivering to huge homes and people with lots of money. Most of the parcels I can lift fairly easily; some are trickier. The large box next to the open door in a pre-lit Christmas tree. It weighed nearly 100 pounds and took up nearly half the back of the car, meaning I had to make four trips to deliver everything (I try to do it in only three). The day before this, I had muscled that same tree from a porch to the car as they were returning one. Turns out, they didn't want the tree at all, but the company kept sending them trees. Fortunately, before I muscled it back up their long, eight-stepped path to the porch and then onto the porch, the customer came out of the house and told me she didn't want it. I had only gotten it out of the car and up the curb. It was a relief to just shove it back in the car. 

My top day, most delivered, was 191 packages to 105 stops. So many packages. So many stops. That was a four trip day.

I've discovered there are lots of funny UPS memes, including these two that made me laugh. While I haven't yet delivered a llama, I'm certain I would be able to get it in the car, and wouldn't be at surprised to have something of that size to deliver. And I do find myself going to the same houses repeatedly, day after day. 

It was recommended that I get a good pair of work shoes with leather uppers and slip resistant soles. I was reluctant to spend the money, but after a week of really sore feet at the end of the day, I gave in and got a pair. They are unattractive. Kent teased me that they look like orthopedic shoes for a little old lady. Maybe that's me now. My mom suggested I wear them to Thanksgiving so they could all laugh at me, and Mikayla quoted My Blue Heaven saying, "It's the shoes. The shoes are tragic!" Sadly, it's all too true. However, my feet don't hurt at the end of the day and they will be much better in the snow than my running shoes.

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