Friday, November 10, 2017

Helping to Move

Eugene and Sharae bought a new house that has been under construction for many months.  They moved out of their old house in April and into my mom's house, and have been watching their new home come together.  This weekend, after a delay of a couple of weeks, they were finally able to get in.  Yahoo!! We're so happy for them.  It's a larger house with a better layout and much better space for them to be.  It's just great.  

Today we helped them move stuff in, mostly the stuff that has been at my mom's house for the past six plus months.  We filled a large moving van, and then, gratefully, had ward help in the unloading.  We went up and down stairs many times, but got everything in so that they should be able to sleep there tonight.  I'll go over again tomorrow and help unbox stuff.  Mikayla came to help, along with her children.  Brick and Collin played together, and Cora followed them around, but Kal quickly tired of being in his car seat and wanted to be out moving around.  Mikayla tried to make a "fort" to keep him contained in the corner of the room, but determined to be free, Kal scaled boxes to get out.  Here is the end result: an exhausted Mikayla holding Kal's foot so he doesn't escape.  You can't really see his face, but he's crying because he's not happy about being held down.

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