Friday, November 17, 2017

A Playful Visitor

Mikayla had an appointment today, and I had Cora and Kal.  Brick was at pre-school.  I had warned the children that Cora and Kal would be with me, and suggested they put away anything they didn't want them playing with, including a bunch of Legos they had all over the floor.  Blythe's action to my suggestion was to put her Lego house creation on the library table in the office.  Here's the thing about that; Cora is tall enough to see the Lego creation sitting on the library table.  It's bright, inviting, and easily accessible.  I came into the office to find her playing, moving little bits around the house, taking parts off and putting them on elsewhere, and generally having a marvelous time.  She looked so happy, I couldn't make her stop.  So I took a picture and steeled myself for the fallout I knew I would get from Blythe when she got home.  For that cute Cora, I'm willing to take the heat!

She looks so guilty in this picture.
So darling and cute, but so guilty!

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