Saturday, September 30, 2017

A New Bike

The children just keep growing.  It's the weirdest thing.  Blythe has gotten so tall that she has outgrown her bike which is too small and inadequate.  She's been asking for a new one and was sorely disappointed when a bike was delivered via UPS which looked like it should be for her, but wasn't.  A mission companion of mine, Rebecca Walker Watt, has a daughter that is at BYU and needed a bike.  Rebecca bought her one and then had it delivered to our house.  Kent put it together and I rode it over to campus for her.  It was exactly the bike that Blythe wanted, however.  It's teal with a basket and a kickstand, a cup holder, a rack to strap things to on the back, and tan rimmed tires.  When Blythe saw it, she squealed with excitement that we got her a bike.  

But we hadn't.  She was very sad, then begged and begged and begged and begged Kent to get her one.  He was willing, but it took a while to actually take her to buy one.  Today, however, was the day.  The day of the new bike!  Kent went to Wal-Mart (a sure sign that he really does love Blythe because he really doesn't love Wal-Mart), they found a bike already assembled (bonus!), and slightly reduced because it was the floor model (additional bonus!).  It couldn't be passed up, and before they had been home a minute and a half, Blythe was riding around the cul-de-sac, happy as a pig in garbage, as my dad would say.  She's had perma-grin all afternoon and has hardly come in, except to dash in to say how fantastic the bike it, and then dash out again to ride around the cul-de-sac again.  She loves it!

And there she goes, down the street to find someone to ride with her.

*Post editing update:  Blythe has ridden her bike to school practically every day since she got it, until it got too cold to ride.

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