Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Best Friend

The moon was full tonight, there was a slight breeze, and after the children were in bed, Kent suggested we sit outside and enjoy the early night.  We spread a couple of blankets out on the ground, and resting our heads on the TV pillows, we watched the clouds move across the moon.  It was cool, it was quiet, and for 45 minutes we talked softly to each other as we held hands, snuggled, and talked about us.  It was a sweet marriage moment, rare in our busy life raising young children and meeting responsibilities.  I had lots to do, but I left it all inside as I lay next to my best friend and talked.  We laughed and philosophized and expressed gratitude for each other.  I promised to try and be less bossy and Kent promised to try and be more fun and we both giggled knowing neither of us will have an easy time changing these parts of ourselves.  Those 45 minutes spent next to my husband in the moonlight were so good, better even than eating ice cream while watching Masterpiece Mystery.  I feel blessed and honored to be Kent's wife and am glad to be doing this whole life experience/parenting thing with him.

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