Sunday, July 1, 2012

Art Work

Blythe is a prolific artist.  She draws, she colors, she paints, she collages, she cuts, she tapes.  She goes through paper and magazines and mailers, asking most every day, "Mom, is there a girl thing?" as we check the mailbox.  Brandt participates too, but without the same passion.

As a result of the tremendous artistic production, I have had a tremendous number of pieces of art that Blythe wants displayed.  There is not a refrigerator in the world big enough to hold all she creates, so I have turned the laundry room into our own private art gallery.  The children's work covers nearly a whole wall, almost floor to ceiling.  I find their vibrant, lively work enchanting.  It brightens up the laundry room and really pops against the red walls.

We recently acquired a fun Art Spinner.  You attach a piece of paper to a spinning platform and then drop paint onto the paper as it spins around, making interesting paintings.  While Blythe is usually more enthusiastic about painting, Brandt was totally into this, making five or six paintings before he was ready to stop.  Blythe lost interest before he did.  It was great to see them creating.

Here they are be-smocked in my t-shirts.

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