Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter and FHE

Easter is on Sunday, and tonight for family home evening, we had a short lesson about the death and resurrection of Christ.  The children were so good.  I read the story of Mary going to the tomb and finding it empty, then weeping because she does not know where Jesus is.  He comes to her and asks why she is crying, and thinking him to be the gardener, asks if he knows where they have taken Jesus' body.  Then he says, "Mary," and she knows him.  By the simple speaking of her name, she recognizes him.  

Can you imagine her joy?  As I related the story, Kent and I both began to weep.  It is wonderful.  She knew, and I know, that Jesus lives.  

As I lay in bed with Blythe tonight, she said, "Mom, I don't want to be resurrected."  I asked her why not, and she said, "I don't want nails in my hands."  I offered explanation about crucifixion, and then she asked, "Why did Jesus have to die?"  I then explained, in a very simple way, the plan of salvation, telling her about when we lived with Heavenly Father before we came to earth, how Jesus came and lived a perfect life, how he died and was resurrected, and that because he was resurrected, we will be resurrected too.  We will all live again.  Then, as Blythe was falling asleep, I sang I Lived in Heaven to reinforce what I had just shared with her.

This, for me, was a sweet opportunity to share my testimony with both children at family home evening and with Blythe as we lay in the quiet, still, dark of her room.  I relish these opportunities to bear witness of truths to my children and hope they feel and recognize the spirit as I do.

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