Thursday, January 5, 2012


At 6:30, Brandt burst into our bedroom and asked, "Is it morning yet?"  We told him it was, and then listened as he clomped down the uncarpeted stairs.  Mere moments later, we heard him racing back up.  Clomp, clomp, clomp.  He burst in a second time, said, "Santa came!" and raced off again.  Clomp, clomp, clomp down the stairs.  Kent got up and stumbled down with him.  Again, just a moment later I heard him racing up again.  Clomp, clomp, clomp.  He came back, said, "Mom! I got an orange!" and ran off.  Clomp, clomp, clomp.  I thought to myself, 'If I don't get up, I'm going to miss it all,' so I got up too.

Brandt was beside himself with excitement.  He has sorted all the presents from under the tree and had his stacked on the couch.  He showed me how Santa had eaten the cookies, filled his stocking, and left him a present.  And then he began ripping into the packages.  Brandt got Star Wars Legos, something he has been asking for for about two months, a new book Pirate Cruncher, three new long-sleeved shirts, new shoes that don't fit, new pillows, and a new game.  I began helping Brandt put his Lego jet together, and then Blythe woke up.

Check out Kent's bedhead!

Brandt was so keen on doing his Legos, he wouldn't even look up at me.
This was the best picture I was able to get of him.

We went through much the same routine when Blythe woke.  She came clomping downstairs too, exclaimed excitedly about her presents, and then the paper began flying.  Santa brought her Blythe's Little Pet Shop (I had no idea that the proprietress of the Little Pet Shop was named Blythe--what a happy coincidence), and a carrier for all the animals.  She also got two new outfits, a new pair of snow boots and a heavy winter coat, the book I'm a Fairy Princess (entirely appropriate as Blythe thanks Heavenly Father in her prayers that she's going to be a fairy princess), a Pinkalicious puzzle, and new pillows.  So much fun.

No one will look at me once the opening begins.

Kent and I also exchanged presents.  I got a new pair of slippers and a book, and Kent got a 2012 calendar with pictures of the children and a book.  

Oh, and we got a new house.  


After fast and furious present opening, twice, we got ready for church (fast and furious again).  We had a lovely meeting; Brother Bowie read the Christmas story from Luke and Matthew interspersed with congregational singing of practically all the Christmas songs in the hymn book.  Bishop Seamons then delivered a wonderful message.  It was a lovely way to start the day.  Or continue it, as we had already been up quite a while.

After church, we went to Grandma Sue's house to spend the day.  It is tradition to have brunch with all the DeMartini's, with pig by-products featuring prominently on the menu.  Dad liked pork.  A lot.  We had less pork this Christmas, but still had ham and bacon.  The children sort of ate, but we were eating before opening presents, so it was hard for the little people to concentrate long enough to actually consume food.  We had more frenzied present opening, and then settled in for play, play, play.  The boys each got a remote control car and nerf gun, so there were much driving and shooting.  Uncle Guy joined in the fun, and as it was a relatively warm day, there was wild running around the yard.  The girls all got "make-over" and spent considerable time locked in the bathroom making themselves beautiful (as if they needed help).  The adults played Bananagrams, Parcheesi, and Hand and Foot (a card game) while refereeing when necessary.  And we hardly cried at all missing Dad who loved most of all to have all his little people running around as he presided over the chaos.  

Remarkably, the children, all the children, cooperated while we took their picture.
It was a Christmas miracle.
Along the back: Collin, Makenna, Ava, Lyla, Brandt, Luke, Crew, Blythe, Griffin
and Blake in front holding Donovan.
I sure do love these children.

I only got this one picture as I began helping undo cars and guns and seeing make-over, put the camera down, and got distracted.

Grandma Sue wearing a fancy boa Blythe got from her cousins.

It was a wonderful Christmas, being with all our family, celebrating the birth of Christ, and rejoicing in the bounties of our life.  As life was mostly disorganized because of our move, I found this year we did what was most important and let the other "traditions" wait until next year.  In a way, I think our move helped me miss Dad less because I was so busy, and the true meaning of Christmas--the celebration of Christ's birth--became all the more meaningful and poignant to me as I remembered that Christ came to earth to die and live again so that we can too.  I am grateful for our Savior and rejoice in His life.  Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I think it might just be an emotional day, but I got a little teary at this post. I'm glad to hear that you are all doing so well "we hardly cried at all".
