Monday, August 9, 2010

Fishing at Tibble Fork

We had such a great time at Tibble Fork last week, Heidi Tanner thought we should go again.  So we did, with several neighbor friends and their children.  In addition to the Tanners, Becky and Conner Phillips, and Adrienne, Nathan, and Annie Poulsen joined us (or we joined them).  We didn't rent canoes this trip, but fished instead.  I am not much of a fisherwoman (really not at all), and Blythe was totally uninterested in anything fish related, but Brandt was intrigued and determined to fish.

Heidi brought three fishing poles, and Connor brought his, but that meant there were four poles and five boys.  I think Brandt realized early on that he was low guy on the totem pole, but he was not going to be daunted by a lack of pole.  He found a large stick which he brought to Heidi who then attached a piece of twine, two bobbers, and a hook.  With this arrangement, Brandt boldly stepped to the stream edge and began to fish.
Here is our fisherboy with friend Conner Phillips in the background.
Fishing wasn't the only draw.  
Brandt and Blythe threw rocks in the river.
They are not throwing rocks.
The "action" shots were all fuzzy.
We also built a dam.
Look at all those great rocks.
See all those small rocks?
Those are Blythe's contribution to the dam.
And after our dam construction, Blythe took it upon herself to water the dam.
And water it.
And water it.
And water it.
She was very thorough.
Brandt was able to get his hands on a rod and reel.
After helping him with a cast or two, he got the hang of it and fished.
And fished.
And fished.
And fished.
He really liked it.
This very nice fisherman was good enough to show the boys how to fish.
He even caught a fish that he gave to Nathan, and another with Simon.
Look at those cute boys!
Conner, Nathan, Jack, fisherguy, Simon

1 comment:

  1. This is a precious blog... When my kids are wild and acting up I say "Don't be wild Indians"... it sounds so good... but it is so wrong. I don't even know which contintent of people I am offending, but I am sure it is wrong.

    I also made a note about the reading aloud piece. We are planning a 17 hour drive to Hilton Head, and I will find a book that Kimberly can read aloud. My older kids have a hatred for NPR because of roadtrips like that.

    PLEASE PLEASE keep blogging.

    My best to all 4 of you.

    Felipe de Albania
