Friday, July 9, 2010

35th Reunion

2 July 2010
Kent and I attended his 35th high school reunion Friday evening.  Kent never really wants to attend these sorts of functions, but then he gets there and is pleased to see people he hasn't seen since the last reunion, and he comes away happy we went.  We are fairly positive (like 100% sure) that Kent has the youngest children of any of his classmates; many of them are grandparents of children older than ours.  I think Kent looks great compared to the "bunch of old coots" he went to school with.
Kent, Bob Wing, and Richard Tingey
They were the great debaters.

This is Angela Valentine Something (Kent can't remember her married name).

Highlights of Kent's evening:
Seeing his old chum Richard Tingey (pictured above).  In Kent's words, "He is still a pretty good egg."
Realizing we're all in this together.  Kent feels he's had it pretty easy compared to many.

Highlights of my evening?
Learning of a classmate who had a sex change operation (once Fernando, now Amanda)
The beautifully seasoned prime rib.
Feeling oh, so young.  
(Kent finished high school May 1975.  I began kindergarten September of the same year.)
About the final comment Kent said, "You wretch."

1 comment:

  1. I had the biggest crush on Richard Tingey! (I think almost every girl at PHS did, too.) And it was fun seeing everyone, even if we are all getting old... (except you, of course, Katherine!)
