Saturday, April 13, 2024

BYU Young Company's The Tempest

It has been my practice too take our children to BYU's Young Company productions. The kids have gotten older, however, and aged out of target audience. So what to do? Take Mikayla's children!

Today I took them all to see The Tempest. Mikayla and my mom were both supposed to come too, but Mikayla had to attend a Johnsen Family bridal shower and my mom had to take Mila and Vika to a soccer game. Brandt wanted to come to the play, so he came to help me wrangle children.

The play was really well done. Young Company productions travel to schools all over Utah, so they are geared to people all the Johnsens ages and always include lots of audience participation. Brick was asked to come help. He was costumed in a purple shawl, given a crown, and made to sit on stage through most of the show. He cried, was magically frozen, and laughed evilly. We were asked not to take pictures, but I did anyway.

All of the children liked the play. At the end, the dramaturg came on for a Q&A and asked what was everyone's favorite part. Freya, who had sat on the floor to be closer to the action, said that Calaban, the monster, was her favorite part, especially when he said, "This was my island. You took it from me." She said it in a a deep snarly voice, just like the monster.

It really was a treat for me to be with Brandt and all the Johnsens.

Brick is laughing wickedly.

The other "king" said, "I'm hungry!" 
Brick fake cried.

All of these people were magicked into statues and couldn't move.
That's a great frozen expression on Brick's face.

The king finds his son who he thought had drowned.

With the whole cast, all four of them.
The guy in black was a techie.

Climbing trees after the show.

Production Pictures

Prospero and Miranda

Calaban the monster


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